

作者: Charline0609 | 来源:发表于2019-01-25 12:08 被阅读0次

    First of all, I would like to announce with my excitement that it is the first TED talk that I can understand well without caption.


    Wow, a wonderful experience for me, right?


    In this talk, the auther tells us how to improve listening skills. To begin with, It is necessary to download a great many materials Where people are talking naturally. The second step is  that don't listen these materials in your free time, But do it when you do something else that doesn't require much attention.


    I have no idea whether this method works. And the oral English of the auther is really not so native.

    Long time ago, When I was in senior high school, I was confused about listening in the exam.It made me crazy. Because I didn't know What I had listened. I didn't understand even a word, let alone a sentence. When listening to the tape every single time, I forced myself to concentrate on the content. However, It was just in vain. Nothing came to my mind. Of course It was no wonder that the result was bad bad and bad.

    The condition didn't go well even When I went to university. In English listening class, I still listened to tape blindly. But things were not too bad, I could understand several sentences in a short conversation.


    Now, as a specialist in a foreign company, I often improve my listening skills for purpose.Also, I want to be an English teacher in primary school. It is more urgent For me to promote my English not only in listening, but also in speaking.

    May I can be a true English teacher this year!



