关于 Angular 项目类型为 library 的工程使用 t

关于 Angular 项目类型为 library 的工程使用 t

作者: _扫地僧_ | 来源:发表于2021-12-03 13:11 被阅读0次

    我今天做 Angular 开发时,遇到一个很奇怪的问题:

    在某个 Angular library 项目里,无法正确解析出 @Spartacus/core,


    Cannot find module '@spartacus/core' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307)

    但是,就在同一工程的单元测试 .spec.ts 文件里,库的解析是正确的。这种在同一文件夹里不同文件对另外同一个库的解析,出现如此不一致的现象,让我非常费解。

    后来经过一番分析,发现是库文件夹里文件 tsconfig.json 引起的原因。


    最后问题定位到,加了下图这三行进行 paths 设置后,就出问题了:

     "paths": {
          "@spartacus/core": ["dist/core"],
          "@spartacus/storefront": ["dist/storefrontlib"],
          "@spartacus/cart": ["dist/cart"]

    每次 Visual Studio Code 里修改了 tsconfig.json 之后,都会显示 Initializing Angular Language features:

    目录中存在 tsconfig.json 文件表明该目录是 TypeScript 项目的根目录。 tsconfig.json 文件指定了编译项目所需的根文件和编译器选项。


    Angular will use the tsconfig.json file, which is configured in the angular.json file in architect --> build --> options --> tsconfig. Whereas VS Code uses the tsconfig.json file, which is at the bottom of the workspace. You need to add the paths in both configurations to get both of them to work correctly, or change the project to use the base tsconfig.json file in the angular.json file.

    The tsconfig.json file has a property that extends which will take another file as base and override everything which are declared in the tsconfig.lib.json file. So if you have paths declared in the tsconfig.lib.json file, then the paths are no longer needed in the tsconfig.json file.




          本文标题:关于 Angular 项目类型为 library 的工程使用 t
