Interview Q

作者: _喵__ | 来源:发表于2018-08-05 07:58 被阅读0次

    Part A: Job Change Motivation

    1.What's the most important for your job?

    2.Why do you apply for this job?

    3.What's your don't want?

    4.If your current boss gave you a counter offer, would you consider to stay with your current company?

    5.What's your career plan for short-term and long-term?

    6.Would you like to describe the ideal job for you?

    7.What's your most preferred industry and function?

    Part B: Key Responsibilities

    1.Draw the organizational chart of your present company on a paper, including your specific department such as yourLine Manager,Subordinates andPeers.

    2.What indicators measure your performance within your current position?

    3.What have been your day to day duties in current/previous roles?

    4.What's the procedure of your position in your company? What do you spend most time on?

    Part C: Competency & Ability

    1.Please describe your major strengths/attributes.

    2.What are some achievements/highlights in your career? Give me an example.

    3.Please describe your major disadvantage/weakness.

    4.What skillsets do you think you need to self-improve most? What kind of mistake you usually make during work?

    Part D: Culture & Working Style

    1.Describe the company culture that you currently work in:

    2.Is that the ideal culture for you?What do (did)you like best about your current(last)position?

    3.What do(did)you like least about your current(past)position?

    4.Describe the values you would like your new company to have?

    Part D: Communication

    1.How would your boss describe you?

    2.How would your subordinates,closet friends and family describe you?

    3.How do you tell your boss or board of directors that the action is wrong,or at least that they are going in a direction with which you are in total disagreement?

    4.What is the most memorable mistake you have made in dealing with people?

    Part E: Problem Solving

    1.What was your biggest challenge this last year at work,and how did you reach a solution?

    2.In terms of problem resolution would you describe yourself to be more analytical or intuitive?Give specific examples.

    Part F: Team-working Spirit

    1.What sort of people do you like to work with? How do you manage those relationships?

    2.How do you like to be managed? What kind of support do you expect from other colleagues?

    3.Please describe your ability to work as part of a team (Give examples)?



        本文标题:Interview Q
