52/70 小力班 123 抑郁症事关你我

作者: MiniKay | 来源:发表于2017-01-21 23:27 被阅读0次

Title: Cheerful people don’t suffer from depression, do they?

Content: Actually yes, they do. Last year, one of my favorite star KIMI committed suicide due to depression. You may not think those who laugh with great delight are depressed patients.

Self-introduction:I am a Scorpio.

 There is a long list of celebrations with depression including Mr.  Bean, Princess Diana and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Also, there are ordinary people living around you.

When I was 13 years old, a boy in my junior high school class jumped off the building because of depression, but no one found anything unusual before. Then in my senior high school, my desk mate was a bright and diligent girl. One day , she complained to me that no matter how many hours slept, she still felt sleepy. She thought she could fall asleep everywhere. Even so, she tossed and turned night after night. And worse still, the sleep so shallow and fragmented that a slight noise would wake her up. She made a big step to see the doctor, but unfortunately she got only the sleeping pills instead of psychotherapy or antidepressant. She chatted with others as usual and teachers showed particular concern only about learning and scores. The only change was she had was more and more frequently black eyes more and more frequently and she was slower to responding. Until one day she dropped out and disappeared.

One famous psychologist Martin Seliman called depression "a cold" in psychiatry. "no one has absolute immunity to depression."

Depression is a disease characterized by persistent sadness and a loss of interest in activities that you normally enjoy, accompanied by an inability to carry out daily activities, for at least two weeks. In addition, people with depression normally have several of the following: a loss of energy; a change in appetite; sleeping more or less; anxiety; reduced concentration; indecisiveness; restlessness; feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or hopelessness; and thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

The world health organization predicts that by 2020, depression will leap to the world's second largest disease. Though the treatment of depression requires a professional doctor's guidance,there are still some things we can do to help a family member or friend dealing with depression.

Firstly, the opposite of depression is not "happy" but "vitality". The patient’s body is trapped by the disease and the energy seems to be drained, leading to the life being emptied and exhausted. Thus,So do not say such words like " why not be happy", " take it easy", because happy points will not reduce his pain.

Based on the first advice, secondly, you should realize that happy or unhappy is not to judge a person with depression or not, these two concepts are not equal. "you are so funny!, Hhow can you be depressed?" Tthis judgment is completely misread. Someone is good at pretending to be happier than others.

Last but not least, depression is a disease, not hypocrisy hypocritical or mincement. Because the management of emotional function is broken in majority of patients, the brain can not secrete specific factors. It is necessary to take medicine. Indeed, some patients with mild depression can be restored after self-adjustment, but tolerance is not an appropriate way. But wWill and exercise can not fight against the disease either. Words like “cheer up”, “You can do it” “I hope you'll be well soon” are psychological burden.

If time may flow backwards, I can do better to help her. But it is not too late tomaster these knowledgethese knowledges to help more and more people. I hope my today's speech is useful. That’s all. Thank you.





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