The Data Analysis of The Top 30

作者: 狒狒_87f5 | 来源:发表于2018-06-26 10:45 被阅读36次

    The reason for the data

    Since the movies of 2017 have now basicallycompleted their screening, the box office of this year's movie and each rating platformhave been stable. Therefore, we have chosen a series of analysis of therelevant data for the movies.

    The data’ssources

    The data source is selected from the listof the top 30 movies in the 2017 global box office in Mtime Networks. Accordingto the list of movies, the box office conditions, the movie scores from themain movie rating platform such as Maoyan , Mtime and Douban are queried out. Finallywe will draw a conclusion that the rankings of movie box office, therelationships between movie box office and scores, and the relationships and reliabilitiesamong the three major movie scoring platforms.

    The analysis of chart 1

    The second chart is made by Dydata, consistingof the movie names (circles of different colors), movie box office (Y-axis), MtimeRating (X-axis) and Douban Rating (round radius size)

    click here to see the interactive chart

    According to this chart, we can see that,on the one hand, we find that there is not a certain relationship between moviebox office conditions and ratings. That is to say when the movie rating getshigh scores, the box office prices are not necessarily high. On the other hand,the higher colorful circles go, the higher the box office they will be. Here,the movie “Beauty and the Beast” wins the highest box office of 1.264 billion. Whilecolor circles go left, they will get lower Mtime scores. The movie “FiftyShades Darker” keeps the lowest time score of 5.5. By analogy, for the bottomcircle, the movie box office is the lowest, on behalf of the movie"Split". the highest Douban scores of 9 for the largest circle, themovie " Coco".

    The analysis of chart 2

    The last chart is made on the tableau usingthree different movie ratings—Douban rating, Mtime rating, and Maoyan Rating.Below the title are the rectangular blocks of different movies. In thedifferent rectangular blocks, the yellow circle represents the Maoyan scores, thegreen circle represents the Douban scores, and the blue circle represents the Mtime score.

    click here to see the interactive chart

    As can be seen from the figure, the moviescores from Maoyan Rating is higher. both Douban scores and Mtime scores are inclose. In fact, among the three, the number of netizens grading on DoubanRating network are the largest, followed by the Maoyan Rating, and then the MtimeRating. It indicates that the Douban Rating system is closer to people'sexpectations for a movie. Similarly, Mtime Rating system is fit for people, too.

    Although in the same movie, differentpeople have different opinions on the movie scores. Objectively speaking, themovie score, to some extent, can still reflect the quality of the movie. Fromthis chart, we can conclude that when searching for movies, in addition tointegrating movie scores from different platforms. When viewing only one ratingplatform, Douban or Mtime, we can basically know the quality of the movie. Whenyou come across Maoyan Rating, you should reduce your expectation by a smallamount based on the original score.



        本文标题:The Data Analysis of The Top 30
