动态 update
<update id="updateTable" parameterType="com.asiainfo.pojo.Table">
update Table
<trim prefix="set" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="OLDPOLICY != null">OLDPOLICY = #{OLDPOLICY},</if>
<if test="QOS != null">QOS = #{QOS},</if>
<if test="START_TIME != null">START_TIME = #{START_TIME},</if>
<if test="END_TIME != null">END_TIME = #{END_TIME},</if>
where MSISDN = #{MSISDN} and ID =#{ID}
动态查询 (包含时间的比较, 取某个时间段之间的数据)
// service层, 时间为字符串格式
HashMap<String, String> orderMap = new HashMap<>();
orderMap.put("status", status);
orderMap.put("order_id", order_id);
orderMap.put("create_time_start", create_time_start);
orderMap.put("create_time_end", create_time_end);
List<Order> orders = adminSearchMapper.getOrders(orderMap);
// mapper接口层
List<Order> getOrders(HashMap<String, String> map);
// mapper.xml 层
<select id="getOrders" parameterType="HashMap" resultType="Order">
select * from `order` where 1=1
<if test="create_time_start != null and create_time_start != ''"> and create_time >= #{create_time_start}</if>
<if test="create_time_end != null and create_time_end != ''"> and #{create_time_end} >= create_time</if>
<if test="cust_id != null and cust_id != ''"> and cust_id like #{cust_id}</if>
<if test="status != null and status != ''"> and status = #{status}</if>
<if test="id != null and id != ''"> and id = #{id}</if>
order by create_time desc