婚姻是性爱与尊严持久的港湾 中英文 李宗轩
李宗轩 小钻石
第一部分 中文
婚姻是性爱和尊严的持久港湾;是化育、培养自己后代的坚固桥梁;是家族和未来得以展望的牢固基石。在风雨飘摇的社会和人生里,爱情可以如闪电,如神箭。而婚姻却是自己不得不回去的家。或简陋,或华丽,或宁静,或热闹,人很累的时候,就会想家。 在社会上因纷争而遍体鳞伤时,就会庆幸自己或极度羡慕别人有一段美好的的婚姻或一个家。人如同小鸟,爱情如同月亮和太阳,婚姻就是月光或阳光下笼罩的树上的巢。人可以不在乎月亮或太阳,如同太阳或月亮不在乎自己一样。但到了晚上,一定回家。绝大多数的人生,实际考量时并不希望缺席婚姻。为了婚姻的爱情是幸福家庭的素材,是原则和智慧的产物。它缺乏戏剧跌宕的情节,但浪漫会在日常里牵枝生蔓,不仅自己享受高品质的感情,整个家族皆可受益。牺牲婚姻的爱情是悬疑小说的素材,是敢于犯规的产物。犯规未必就是坏事,但经常遇不到好事。所以是神魔同时一体的显现。于此处,有品味的人,有伤害也有创造,可以抒写一段人性的传奇;缺乏品味的人,以大胆开始,以短暂的欢愉达到高潮,以长久的伤害收笔。人性的探索,离不开爱情这顶王冠;而幸福的保有,离不开婚姻这座宫殿。无论哪种情形,努力和珍惜,会彰显其深刻价值。于世俗,于精神,都会非常快乐。如果在创造的同时,能够事先注意到不要轻易被毁灭,正面的事情总有反面,长期和短期的差距在细节的理解上有所关照,那么在价值和快乐方面, 他有趋近于先知的感觉。平实、淡泊、顺其自然的品质并不会成就辉煌的人生,也不会构成华美充实的婚姻和快乐,但它们确是滋生并长久呵护这些场景的温床。一种婚姻,或一种爱情,在考验我们,也在福佑我们。里面的甘苦,便构成了我们的快乐,一生之中有滋有味、欢乐的感觉。 李宗轩2017-10-18 。
第二部分 英文
Marriage — the harbor for the lasting sexual love and the dignity.
Do you admit that marriage is the harbor for the lasting sexual love and the dignity?A strong bridge to bring up and cultivate their children and the solid foundation upward family and future prospects? In the precarious social and life, love just is like flashing lightning and god arrows.And marriage is the only home that you have to come back,wherever being humble, or gorgeous, or quiet, or lively.When having been sick, people will miss home. In the society, because of disputes and bruises, you will congratulate yourself or extremely envious of others for having a great marriage together with a tiny home. Man is just like a tiny bird. Love is just like the moon or the sun and marriage is just like the nest of trees in the moonlight or in the sunlight. People may be unable to care about the moon or the sun. Just like the sun or the moon,they would often not care about those of them. But when the evening coming,one person must go back home. Most people do not wish to absent marriage when they actually think about it and measure it. Loving for marriage is the material of a happy family, the product of principles and wisdom.Although lacked of a dramatic plot, it is growing into romance like vines and flowers and branches in a daily life then, not only makes one person enjoying high quality emotions, but also benefiting to the whole old family. Love at the expense of marriage is the material of suspense fiction, is the product of daring to foul. Foul is not necessarily bad, but often cannot encounter good things.
So it has also two sides—god and evil—in this one magic show. Herein,some people who has savour can hurt and create something to describe a legend of human nature audaciously;Contrarily some people being the lack of savour in first start boldly , enjoying a short and great pleasure to climax, in end gain a long-term injury as one'self handwriting.
The exploration of human nature, of course, cannot be separated from the crown where that is love; while the possession of happiness is inseparable from this palace where that is marriage. No matter what kind of situation, efforts and treasure will show its profound value. Both in secular and in spirit, it will be very happy.
While being created one can forehand notice and care of some pretty things not easily to be destroyed, as positive things has always negative. Gap between long-term and short-term ought to have been cared for in the details of our understanding, then about the value and pleasure. he tends to become a prophet.
The quality of plain, indifferent and nature will not achieve brilliant life, nor will it constitute a rich and happy marriage and happiness, but they are indeed breeding and long-term care of the hotbed of these scenes. A kind of marriage, or a kind of love, is testing us, and also blessing us. It is the sweetness and bitterness inside of the stand constitutes our happy life flavor,festivity feeling.