January is always the seed of the year. The seed does not know what it will become, it simply is and in its being there are new beginnings. There are sprouts that will extend from it as the year unfolds. January is always meant to be a time of purity because if there is too much ofthe indulgent detritus and trivial pursuits in January then we get bogged down in miscellaneous distractions and the year does not become what it was meant tobe in its unfolding. Where there is a split mind we can easily be returned tothe pain of old trauma and believe it is happening now for the first time forgetting that everything that is not happy is for healing and that allhealing is a healing of the past showing up in the present.
Only by letting go of all attachments can aseed fall to the earth and begin a new cycle, which is always better and more abundant. But if there are attachments or fantasy which hide old attachmentsthen the letting go does not happen and the receiving is blocked. There are two types of attachment that can impede our progress. The first is the attachmentto the negative past coming from a grievance and the second one is holding onto something positive. The negative past keeps us fearful and full of blame inorder to hide our guilt for separating which is really what goes on in a victimsituation. If you could see into your subconscious you could see that where you blame another you have deceived yourself about your part in it. Your part in it is what set the victim situation in play. You used the grievance to hide whereyou feel guilt for willfully separating and using another’s error, suffering and acting out as the excuse to separate. This grievance type of attachment sets up a pattern that brings up the original pain in such a way that a newupset or trauma can occur. Yet, if we are focused on healing, a birth occurs as we transcend the pain, give up the blame, past and present, allow ourselves to be cracked open for a new beginning by the force that seems to be outside but is really within us. The ego attempts to compound the old pain to build itself while the higher mind is providing the opportunity for healing and birth with the relinquishment of a shell that was meant to be a defense but only constricted us. This calcification limits our mind and our life. The second type of attachment is a compensation where we fantasize and seek to get our needs met through illusion in order to assuage and cover over the old wounds.This attitude of getting or taking can lead to independence or victimization as people naturally withdraw from a taking attitude. We attempt to dissociate the wounds of the past but this only makes us independent in an untrue way. Whether the past shows up in the present by us acting like a victim who is really independent or as an independent, who is really a victim it is a form of sacrifice and withdrawal that preventsour ability to receive.
January of 2018 is meant to be a monthwhere we have relinquished the past so that the relationships for this year can bring great fruition but only if we are seeking progress and stepping forward.This welcomes right relationship and the ability to receive rewards in the form of money, creativity, vision and other forms of return. This is a year that is a completion, the end of a nine-year cycle. Without receiving the natural reward there is no completion. Some of us are finally completing cycles that began earlier in our lives. Wherever we suffered in our lives is where we were actually afraid to go forward and instead chose to suffer as the means to havean excuse and hide. Instead we could have relinquished attachment and controland then with trust we could have gone on to the next step. This is a year where all incompletes can be finished and as a result an even greater, happier,more spiritual cycle can begin in 2019 with less material dependency but more spiritual upliftment. The more there is joining and connection the less there is a need for things. The paradox of 2018 is that this year can bring a lot of material wealth and success because there is less attachment to such things and therefore there is greater bonding that brings more receiving. This is a happymoney year with an abundance of both love and adventure on inner and outer planes. The paradox is that the more we are not seeking money as such, the more money can come to us. Our attachment to wealth or anything is in the way of our receiving wealth or whatever we want. Be as singular in your desire for peace,wholeness, completion, healing, Love and Heaven. The rest will be given to you.
Let yourself be dedicated in Januarybecause without commitment the amount of turbulence you can experience willmake you feel like a train wreck. This is a cumulative year. What is unfinishedin our life can come up even more than in most Januaries. Examine where you arebeing right about something because it simply hides old pain and where you feelguilty about the past and your lack of commitment now. January is never a monthto coast as it can bring up frightful experiences that come from oursplit-mind. Without dedication we won't get to where we want to go and thedestination of our destiny that our soul set for us in this life. This monthour mission is calling to us. Do not drown it out in distraction. Keep yourgoal in sight and move forward with trust.
Wherever we have a problem we have deceivedourself. We have lost trust and become fearful. Yet, the power of our mind cannever be fully lost. We will either invest it in fear or in trust. If we trustwhere there is a loss, it becomes a birth. Trust means we can't be stopped.Life will keep flowing and unfolding as a result. Have a split-mind because ofsomething unforgiven and it will be a rocky road full of conflict. Let yourmind become one-pointed this month. Give yourself utterly to your mission.Become a bullet in your desire to achieve what may seem unachievable but bygiving yourself fully it invites and allows Heaven to show off and bring themiracles. Heaven is not limited by the laws of this world. What greater giftcould you give then the gift of transcendence.
Only you can deprive yourself of anything. We use the excuse of the past to stop ourselves and hide our fear and guilt that keep the ego intact. Because of this, love and self-love was lost. The excuse is more important to us than our mission. Without innocence there is no self-love and without self-love there is no innocence. These elements areessential to healing. What is more important to you than your ostensible goal of happiness? If we are not happy then there is something more important to us than being happy. What seems more precious to us is somehow more important than having goals of true love, wealth or health. Our commitment to happiness nowheals past conflicts and lets us be one-pointed and being focused means we move quickly.
Chuck Spezzano