an interesting job

an interesting job

作者: Tommmmm | 来源:发表于2018-10-02 00:23 被阅读0次

    Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future

    You should say:
      what job it would be;
      what qualities are required for this job;
      whether it would be an easy job to do;
      and explain why you would like to do this job.

    When it comes to an interesting job i want to do in the future, the first comes into my mind is algorithm [ˈælgərɪðəm] engineer. This is a profession i admire and respect. Many experienced programmer convert to algorithm engineer after several year's accumulation in the process their work.

    First of all, this job requires problem-solving ability. Algorithm engineer is supposed to put forward various approaching to the problem.

    And the requirement of a certain amount of specialist computer knowledge is also essential, because the algorithm takes many factor into account such as the efficiency of CPU , the capacity of memory.

    Then an open mind enable you to view problem from different perspective. Thus you can be creative and innovative.

    capacity capability
    promise [ˈprɒmɪs]
    允诺,许诺; 给人以…的指望或希望; |
    The post office has promised to resume first class mail delivery to the area on Friday.

    resume n 简历 v 重新开始


    promising 有前途的

    resolving ability

    insight 洞察力

    professional knowledge in that field [fi:ld]



          本文标题:an interesting job
