今天是大师游戏第77天星期二,继续读《Grace and Grit》,Treya得了不治之症,引发了她对疾病的思考:
In any disease, a person is confronted with two very different entities. One, the
person is faced with the actual disease process itself - a broken bone, a case of influenza, a heart attack, a malignant tumor. Call this aspect of disease "illness." Cancer, for example, is an illness, a specific disease with medical and scientific dimensions. Illness is more or less value-free; it's not true or false, good or bad, it just is - just like a mountain isn't good or bad, it just is.
But two, the person is also faced with how his or her society or culture deals with that illness - with all the judgments, fears, hopes, myths, stories, values, and meanings that a particular society hangs on each illness. Callthis aspect of disease "sickness." Cancer is not only an illness, a scientific and medical phenomenon; it is also a sickness, a phenomenon loaded with cultural and social meanings. Science
tells you when and how you your particular culture or subculture tells you when and how you are sick.
Men and women are
condemned to meaning, condemned
to creating values and judgments. It
is not enough to know that I have a
disease; that I have a disease is my
illness. But I also need to know **why
I have that disease.Why me? **What
does it mean? What did I do wrong?
How did this happen? I need, in other
words, to **attach some sort of
meaning to this illness.** And for this
meaning I am dependent first and foremost on my society, on all the
stories and values and meanings in
which my culture dresses a particular
disease. My sickness, as opposed to
myillness, is defined largely by the
society - the culture or subculture - in
which I find myself.