

作者: Andy老师 | 来源:发表于2017-09-25 22:37 被阅读0次

    (大家不要忘记关注AndyZ 老师哦! 点击关注,欢迎分享文章,同时也可阅读已发布的其他文章。如果留言咨询国际教育和学习、职场发展和员工管理以及招聘方面的任何问题,没准下次推文你就能得到答案!)

    大家不要被这个题目给吓到!你们没有走到黑帮片的拍摄现场:) 我其实今天想和大家聊聊怎么样生活,即人生技能(life skills)。世界卫生组织(WHO)已经将人生技能定义为“适应力和积极的行为可以使个体有效地处理日常生活的需求和挑战。”联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)将人生技能定义为“一种行为变化或者行为发展的方式,旨在解决三个方面的平衡:知识、态度和技能。”因此简而言之,人生技能本质上就是提升年轻人在面对现实生活时的心理健康和能力的技能。


    ·解决问题 (Problem solving)

    ·批判性思维 (Critical thinking)

    ·有效的沟通能力 (Effective communication skills)

    ·决策力 (Decision making)

    ·创造性思维 (Creative thinking)

    ·人际交往能力 (Interpersonal relationship skills)

    ·自我意识建设的能力 (Self awareness building skills)

    ·同理心 (Empathy)

    ·面对压力和情绪 (Coping with stress and emotions)


    ·批判性思维能力/决策技能 (Critical thinking skills/Decision making skills)

    ·人际/沟通技能 (Interpersonal/Communication skills)

    ·处理个自我管理技能、使用人生技能的标准 (Coping and Self management skills)






    (大家不要忘记关注AndyZ 老师哦!点击关注,欢迎分享文章,同时也可阅读已发布的其他文章。如果留言咨询国际教育和学习、职场发展和员工管理以及招聘方面的任何问题,没准下次推文你就能得到答案!)


    The World Health Organization has defined life skills as “the abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”.UNICEF defines life skills as “ a behavior change or behavior development approach designed to address a balance of three areas: Knowledge, attitude and skills”.Thus in short, life skills are essentially those abilities that help promote mental well being and competence in young people as they face the realities of life.

    UNICEF, UNESCO and WHO lists the ten core life skill strategies and techniques as:

    ·Problem solving

    ·Critical thinking

    ·Effective communication skills

    ·Decision making

    ·Creative thinking

    ·Interpersonal relationship skills

    ·Self awareness building skills


    ·Coping with stress and emotions

    The WHO categorized these core life skill strategies into three main components as:

    ·Critical thinking skills/Decision making skillsInterpersonal/Communication skills

    ·Coping and Self management skills

    Life skills education should be more practical oriented where students are made to do or work out through exercises, training modules etc. It should not only be theory based lecture method.It works best only when it is being repeated continuously as one taught will be soon forgotten. Therefore it needs to be reviewed and reinforced and be as apart of the curriculum.

    So what about the advantages of life Skills?Let’s discuss them!


    Developing Life skills help individuals to translate knowledge, attitude and values into healthy behavior.It also helps in building self confidence and to make them more independent and to take decisions effectively.It also helps them in self management and to take proper career decisions.It also helps in improving their interpersonal skills to establish healthy relationships in life.

    Youth development is a process of mental, physical, social and emotional growth during which young people prepare to live a productive and satisfying life within the customs and regulations of their society. It is a very important period in one’s life which if properly nurtured will determine a bright future ahead. Therefore it is the responsibility of teachers, parents, counselors, educators etc. to help bring in effective changes if necessary in the individual through systematic training and guidance so that the individual becomes a well rounded personality and also successful in life. Here life skills play an important role in molding the individual.

    So now you know I care so much about training life skills, and luckily in China, over the past year or two this is now embedded into a core curriculum, Competency Development, of which I am happy that my partners and I, along with our team of assistants, are a pioneer of, and helping CX Community to become the forefront leaders of this form of education.


    - Multicultural and multilingual: Grew up and lived in a number of countries, American-born Chinese -(Third Culture Kid)多文化和多语言:在多个国家成长和居住;美籍华人-典型第三文化人士(TCK)

    - Leader in empowering corporate training and recruitment professionals with assessment methodologies and project-based learning andragogy为企业培训和招聘人士提供领先评估体系和游戏化的项目式学习的职场教学法的领袖

    - Decade of experience in education and training, and expert in China十年以上的学生教育和企业培训的经验:并被很多本土和国外人士称为“中国通”

    - Regular community event organizer with expertise in workplace gamification for employees定期社区活动的组织者:游戏化员工体系的主题

    - UC Berkeley Alumni Club Ex-Leader and Recruitment Ambassador毕业于世界名校加州伯克利大学并担任校友俱乐部前任负责人和前任招生大使

    - Third-party Interviewer for College Admissions美国第三方面试官(很多大学现在需要学生在提交申请书与第三方机构进行面试)

    - Helped build a number of college admissions counseling departments负责搭建多个海外升学指导中心

    - Unlike most “education experts”, personally attended more than a dozen schools growing up and personally went through the AP, IB, British, Singaporean and Hong Kong education systems相比其他所谓的“教育专家”,从小上过十几所学校,亲自体验过AP、IB、英国、新加坡和香港的教育制度

    - Recently, created China’s first bilingual entrepreneurial and innovation educational events organization: Center for Youth Business Facilitation

    在这一两年间,建立了中国第一个双语创新创业学习的活动平台: CYBF创习国际交流中心



