- What is the political party of the President now?
Answer: Republican (Party)
Explanation:Senators, representatives, and the president of the United States almost all have political affiliations (or membership in a political party), but not necessarily the same ones. Sometimes most of the members of Congress have the same political affiliation that the president does. When that happens, making laws is usually easy, because Congress and the president have the same beliefs about what the government should do. Congress makes laws and the president approves them.
At other times, things don’t work as smoothly (or easily). Congress has one political affiliation, but the president has another political affiliation. When that happens, it is more difficult to make laws, because Congress and the president do not agree on what the government should do. Congress might pass a law, but when it goes to the president for approval, he or she may not sign it (or put his or her name on it to show that it is okay to make it a law).
Whether or not Congress and the President have the same political affiliation can change during an administration (or the period of time when one person is serving or working as president). That’s because the president is elected every four years, but Congress is elected more often. Members of the House of Representatives are elected every two years. Members of the Senate are elected for six years, but one- third (or 33%) of them are elected every two years, so the political affiliation of the majority (or the bigger part, more than 50% of the members) can change every two years.
This means that a president might begin his or her administration or term with a Congress that has a majority (or over 50%) of its members from the same party, but at the end of the administration, the situation might have reversed itself (or become the opposite). Presidents try to take advantage of (or use the opportunity to get the most or best results) the time when the majority of Congress members have the same political affiliation, because this is when the president can most easily pursue (or try to get) his or her agenda (or the plan of what a person wants to get done while working in a public job).
- What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?
Answer: (Nancy) Pelosi
Explanation:There are 435 members in the House of Representatives. Can you imagine trying to make laws or to get any work done without a clear leader who can guide (or lead) all those people? The person who does this is called the Speaker of the House of Representatives, which is a very important position in U.S. government. The Speaker of the House not only leads the House of Representatives, but also is in the presidential line of succession (or the plan for who will become president if something happens to the president). If the president can no longer be president, then his or her replacement would be the vice president, but if he or she cannot be president either, then the Speaker of the House becomes president.
The Speaker of the House is a member of the House of Representatives. The 435 members of the House vote to decide who will be the Speaker. Usually the Speaker is a member of the majority party (or the political party that most representatives are a member of), but not always. The Speaker is elected (or chosen) on the first day of a new Congressional session (or the period of time when the Congress is meeting) for a two-year term, which is the amount of time that someone works in a public position. During those two years, the Speaker has all the same duties (or responsibilities) as a regular representative, discussing and voting on issues. But he or she also has some special duties.
The Speaker of the House has control of the calendar that shows when bills (or ideas for laws) will be discussed and voted on. The Speaker can use this power to make sure that his or her favorite bills are discussed and passed before other bills can be discussed and passed.
The Speaker of the House also serves (or works in a public job) as the presiding officer when the House of Representatives meets. The Speaker of the House calls on other members of the House, giving them permission to speak when bills are being discussed. Nobody can speak unless the Speaker has given permission (or said that it is okay to speak).
- 现在的众议院议长叫什么名字?
- There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.
Citizens eighteen (18) and older (can vote). You don’t have to pay (a poll tax) to vote. Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote.) A male citizen of any race (can vote).
Explanation:Voting is one of the important rights (or freedoms) that Americans have, but not everyone can vote. The Constitution, which is the most important legal document in the United States, has 27 amendments (or changes or additions to the Constitution that have been approved by the voters). Four of these amendments are about who can vote. Let’s take a quick look at each of them. The 15th Amendment was passed (or approved) in 1870. It forbids (or doesn’t allow) the government to use race (or skin color) in deciding who is eligible (or has the right) to vote. Before this amendment was passed, many states did not allow black or African American people to vote in their elections. The 15th Amendment made that illegal (or against the law). The next amendment related to voting was the 19th Amendment, passed in 1920. This amendment forbids the government to use gender (or whether someone is a man or a woman) in deciding who is eligible to vote. Before this amendment was passed, only men could vote. This amendment gave women the right to vote. In 1964, the 24th Amendment was passed. It prohibits (or doesn’t allow) the government to make people pay money to vote. Before 1964, some states had made voters pay a tax (or money paid to the government) to cast their ballot (or vote). This made it very difficult or impossible for poor people to vote and that is why it was made illegal. The fourth and final (or last) amendment related to voting was the 26th Amendment passed in 1971. This amendment grants (or gives) suffrage (or the right to vote) to American citizens who are at least 18 years old. Before this amendment was passed, many states would let people vote only if they were at least 21 years old. Many people thought that this was unfair, since young men could join the army when they were 18, dying for their country before they were able to vote. With this amendment, however, American citizens can begin voting once they are 18 years old. - 宪法有四条关于谁有投票权的修正案。描述其中一个。
- What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?
Answer:Serve on a jury
Explanation:People who come to live in the United States as resident aliens (or people who can live and work in the United States but are not citizens) can do almost everything that American citizens can do, but there are two important differences. Only U.S. citizens can vote and serve on a jury.
In most countries, the right (or freedom) to vote is only for citizens. It makes sense that only the people who officially belong to a country should have the right to vote there. Serving on a jury, though, is not a right that is talked about as much as voting.
In the United States, all people have the right to a trial by jury. A trial is a lawsuit or a case heard (or argued and discussed) in a court. If someone says that you have done something illegal (or against the law), you can argue about it in a court. This is your trial. The people who decide whether you are guilty (or that you have committed a crime) are the jury. The jury is the small group of people who will listen to the whole trial and then make a decision about whether or not you are guilty. They bring their decision back to the judge (or the person who manages the trial and courtroom) and he or she decides what your punishment will be (or how much money you will have to pay or how long you will be in jail for what you have done).
American citizens have the responsibility to serve on a jury. We call this jury duty and it begins when you get a letter in the mail summoning you (or telling you to come) to jury duty. Then you go to the court on the date stated (or written) in the letter. Many other people who were also summoned go to the court that same day. If you are selected for jury duty, then you have to watch the whole trial. Employers (or the people or company that you work for) give their employees time off (or permission to not come to work) for jury duty. Usually jury duty lasts only a few days, but if you are put on a very long and difficult trial, it can last weeks or even months.
Since people in most states are paid only a very small amount of money by the court to be on jury duty, some people try to avoid (or not serve on) jury duty. But if everyone avoided jury duty, we wouldn’t have enough people to decide cases. So serving on a jury is an important duty (or responsibility).
- 哪一项责任只属于美国公民?
- What are two rights only for United States citizens?
Apply for a federal job
Run for office
Carry a U.S. passport
Explanation:The United States is a land of opportunity, which means that there are a lot of things that people can achieve (or do) if they want to. But some opportunities are reserved (or set aside) only for U.S. citizens. What can citizens do that no one else can? Only U.S. citizens can vote, apply for a federal job, run for office, and carry a U.S. passport. Only U.S. citizens can vote in city, state, and federal (or national) elections. This is both a right (something that one can do) and a responsibility (something that one should do). Many Americans choose not to vote, but they always have the opportunity to participate in elections if they want to. U.S. citizens can also apply for federal jobs (or jobs with the national government). These jobs are not available to people who are not U.S. citizens. Sometimes this is because of the risk (or the possibility of something bad happening) of national secrets (or important information other people shouldn’t know about) being given to other countries. Another reason that federal jobs are not available to people who are not U.S. citizens is that Americans want their taxes (or money that they pay to the government) to be used to pay other Americans and not people from other countries. U.S. citizens may run for office (or try to get elected (or chosen) for a political job by voters). This can be anything from the mayor (or elected leader) of a city to the president of the United States and every job in between. Often there are other requirements to run for office, such as age or residency (or the amount of time that someone has lived in a certain place). Finally, only U.S. citizens can carry (or have and travel with) a U.S. passport. Not all citizens have a passport. It is a document that we must apply for (or fill out a form to request). But all Americans are entitled (or have the right) to get a passport and travel to other countries. People who are not U.S. citizens, of course, cannot have a U.S. passport.
- 哪两项权利只属于美国公民?