Tomorrow is credit card bill day

作者: 清闲的柑橘 | 来源:发表于2022-10-26 22:09 被阅读0次

    Tomorrow is the 27th of a mouth,my credit card payment day,and the 30th,another credit card payment day.

    Every mouth I would use some of money to pay it off,and then I would use it again,and then I would use it again,and then I use it again,and then would pay for it.

    Not only me,and my sister is too.

    My sister and her husband are Tax drivers.They have two children. The elder children is fifteen,another is twelve. The eldest  is studying in a private middle school ,and it cost 1.5 thousand yuan, living expenses,etc .

    19th ago,their monthly income could support the family expense,and then they had a small amount of debt.

    But now they have a henvy dabt,the lige is difficult especially this half mouth.

    They have to stay at home because of the pandemic,they have no income,and they still have to pay their mortgages and other loans.

    The credit card bill was one of them,like me,my sister needed a card for several of her credit cards.

    In two days,we will have a card bill of about100.000yuan,not counting my sister's credit card,my credit card bill is more than100,000yuan.

    Excess debt,no big income,paying off credit cards with credit cards,didn't reduce our debt,it increased it.

    My sister often said that the days are worked out,and as for the present situation,we don't know when it will end.

    I hope the epidemic will soon be over and our life can return to what it wasn't years ago as soon as possible.Athough there will be debts ,at last we will have income and can pay back part of the dabts.Right now,we are robbing Peter to pay Paul,and tearing it down will only make the hole bigger.



        本文标题:Tomorrow is credit card bill day
