2019-07-13 每日10分钟商务英语---学习记录(住宿与

2019-07-13 每日10分钟商务英语---学习记录(住宿与

作者: 魔君BYL | 来源:发表于2019-07-14 00:11 被阅读0次

    How does that schedule sound to you? 您觉得这样安排可以吗?

    1. be booked solid 已经被预约满了

    2. compare notes on 探讨研究

    3. call in 来访

    4. fill out 填写

    5. high-end restaurant 高级餐厅

    6. sort out one's schedule安排工作日程

    7. make changes 进行修改

    8. arrange one's schedule 安排活动日程


    1. We have reserved a room for you at Beijing Hotel. 我们已为您在北京饭店订了一间房间。

    2. Are we going to the hotel? 我们是要去宾馆吗?

    3. Have you got any ID? 您带证件了吗?

    4. I'll show you to your hotel. 我带您去宾馆。

    5. I have finished the check-in procedure. 我已经办妥了住宿登记手续。


    1. Do you have other plan tonight? 您今晚有其他计划吗?

    2. What date would suit you? 您哪天方便呢?

    3. So our evenings will be quite full themn? 那么我们晚上的时间也安排满了吗?

    4. When is it convenient for you to meet? 您什么时候方便见面?


    1. Here's the schedule for tomorrow. 这是您明天的行程安排。

    2. Here is a copy of itinerary we have worked out for you and your friends and please have a look at it. 这是我们为您和您的朋友拟定的活动日程安排,请过目。

    3. I've already arranged for you to meet with him first thing on Wednesday morning. 我已经安排您再周三一早就跟他碰面。

    4. There will be some evenings for you to arrange freely,that is , if it is all right with you. 如果你们愿意,我们将会留几晚的时间供你们自由支配。

    5. We've arranged our schedule smoothly. 我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。

    6. I've invited all the important clients to our party next week. 我已经邀请了所有重要的客户来参加我们下周的派对。

    7. You're attending an opening ceremony of high-end restaurant today. 您今天要参加一家高级餐厅的开幕仪式。

    8. Well, if time permits, minor changes can be made then. 嗯,如果时间允许,稍加修改还是可以的。

    9. If it is convenient of you right now, I'd like to discuss about the schedule with you. 如果您现在方便,我想跟您讨论一下日程的相关问题。

    10. I'd like to call in to discuss the project plan . 我想邀请您来讨论一下项目计划。

    11. I just need some time to sort out my schedule. 我只是需要时间来安排我的工作日程。


    1. check-in 办理入住手续

    2. registration form 登记表

    3. room service客房服务

    4. standard room标准房


    1. I've already made a hotel reservation for you . I'm here to pick up you to your hotel. 我已经为您预订了宾馆房间,我来这儿接您去宾馆。

    2. Shall we go to the reception desk and check in? 我们到前台办理入住手续吧?

    3. I think I've filled in everything correctly. 我觉得我已经准确无误地填完了。

    4. Do you have your passport with you? We will need it when checking in. 您护照带了吗?一会儿入住时我们要用。

    5. We are going to invite you to take part in a welcome party. 我们将邀请您参加一个欢迎会。

    6. Our CEO Mr. Zhang is attending a marketing seminar. 我们的总裁张先生正在参加一个研讨会。

    7. Our CEO Mr. Zhang is on a business trip. 我们的总裁张先生正在出差。

    8. We've arranged our schedule without any trouble.我们已经很顺利地把活动日程安排好了。

    without any trouble 顺利



          本文标题:2019-07-13 每日10分钟商务英语---学习记录(住宿与
