
作者: 乔克_叔叔 | 来源:发表于2017-02-04 18:12 被阅读1413次


YYImage 是一个强大的iOS图像框架,是YYKit 的组件之一。具体用法可以参考Demo。

** 特性:**

  • 支持以下类型动画图像的播放/编码/解码:
    WebP, APNG, GIF。
  • 支持以下类型静态图像的显示/编码/解码:
  • 支持以下类型图片的渐进式/逐行扫描/隔行扫描解码:
  • 支持多张图片构成的帧动画播放,支持单张图片的 sprite sheet 动画。
  • 高效的动态内存缓存管理,以保证高性能低内存的动画播放。
  • 完全兼容 UIImage 和 UIImageView,使用方便。
  • 保留可扩展的接口,以支持自定义动画。
  • 每个类和方法都有完善的文档注释。

** 文件结构 **

  • YYImage : UIImage的子类,遵守 YYAnimatedImage 协议,更高级的方式来显示 Image
  • YYFrameImage : 同 YYImage,能够显示帧动画,仅支持png,jpeg 格式,可以配合 YYAnimatedImageView 来播放动画
  • YYSpriteSheetImage : 同 YYFrameImage, 实现另一种动画形式,可以将一张图片自定义剪裁成多张图片来播放图片动画,同样可以配合YYAnimatedImageView 使用
  • YYImageCoder : 图像的编码和解码功能类,YYImageEncoder负责编码,YYImageDecoder 负责解码,YYImageFrame 负责管理帧图像信息,_YYImageDecoderFrame 内部私有类是其子类
  • YYAnimatedImageView: UIImageView 子类,用于播放图像动画,定义了 YYAnimatedImage 协议


运行Demo,进入Animated Image 。有五种播放的图片动画,前三个图像格式分别是GIF,WebP,APNG,后两个分别转化成 YYFrameImage,YYSpriteSheetImage ,全部都是通过YYAnimatedImageView 播放动画的,我们进入 YYAnimatedImageView 来分析

- (instancetype)initWithImage:(UIImage *)image {
    self = [super init];
    _runloopMode = NSRunLoopCommonModes;
    _autoPlayAnimatedImage = YES;
    self.frame = (CGRect) {CGPointZero, image.size };
    self.image = image;
    return self;

初始化方法只是一些简单的属性设置,默认_autoPlayAnimatedImage 为YES,自动开启动画,_runloopModeNSRunLoopCommonModes,避免滑动时动画停止,因为以上的五种动画都是通过 CADisplayLink来实现的动画, 滑动时 mode 会切换到 UITrackingRunLoopMode 导致 _link 失效,代码中实现如下 ,保证滑动时依然有效

  if (_runloopMode) {
        [_link addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:_runloopMode];

通过设置 self.image = image; 传入 YYAnimatedImageTypeImage type

- (void)setImage:(id)image withType:(YYAnimatedImageType)type {
    [self stopAnimating];
    if (_link) [self resetAnimated];
    _curFrame = nil;
    switch (type) {
        case YYAnimatedImageTypeNone: break;
        case YYAnimatedImageTypeImage: super.image = image; break;
        case YYAnimatedImageTypeHighlightedImage: super.highlightedImage = image; break;
        case YYAnimatedImageTypeImages: super.animationImages = image; break;
        case YYAnimatedImageTypeHighlightedImages: super.highlightedAnimationImages = image; break;
    [self imageChanged];
- (void)imageChanged {
    YYAnimatedImageType newType = [self currentImageType];
    id newVisibleImage = [self imageForType:newType];
    NSUInteger newImageFrameCount = 0;
    BOOL hasContentsRect = NO;
    if ([newVisibleImage isKindOfClass:[UIImage class]] &&
        [newVisibleImage conformsToProtocol:@protocol(YYAnimatedImage)]) {
        newImageFrameCount = ((UIImage<YYAnimatedImage> *) newVisibleImage).animatedImageFrameCount;
        if (newImageFrameCount > 1) {
            //是否只显示部分图像,YYImage中只有YYSpriteSheetImage 实现了该协议方法
            hasContentsRect = [((UIImage<YYAnimatedImage> *) newVisibleImage) respondsToSelector:@selector(animatedImageContentsRectAtIndex:)];
    if (!hasContentsRect && _curImageHasContentsRect) {
        if (!CGRectEqualToRect(self.layer.contentsRect, CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1)) ) {
            [CATransaction begin];
            [CATransaction setDisableActions:YES];
            self.layer.contentsRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1);
            [CATransaction commit];
    _curImageHasContentsRect = hasContentsRect;
    if (hasContentsRect) {
        //获取首张尺寸大小,Demo中为 {{0, 0}, {32, 32}} 
        CGRect rect = [((UIImage<YYAnimatedImage> *) newVisibleImage) animatedImageContentsRectAtIndex:0];
        [self setContentsRect:rect forImage:newVisibleImage];
    if (newImageFrameCount > 1) {
        [self resetAnimated];
        _curAnimatedImage = newVisibleImage;
        _curFrame = newVisibleImage;
        _totalLoop = _curAnimatedImage.animatedImageLoopCount;
        _totalFrameCount = _curAnimatedImage.animatedImageFrameCount;
        [self calcMaxBufferCount];
    [self setNeedsDisplay];
    [self didMoved];

如果当前是 YYSpriteSheetImage 会进入到 [self setContentsRect:rect forImage:newVisibleImage]; 此时设置 self.layer.contentsRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 32 / image.size.width, 32 / image.size.height);即裁剪的第一张图像

** 停止动画 **

- (void)stopAnimating {
    [super stopAnimating];
    [_requestQueue cancelAllOperations];
    _link.paused = YES;
    self.currentIsPlayingAnimation = NO;

** 开始动画 **

- (void)startAnimating {
    YYAnimatedImageType type = [self currentImageType];
    if (type == YYAnimatedImageTypeImages || type == YYAnimatedImageTypeHighlightedImages) {
     // UIImageView 原始动画
        NSArray *images = [self imageForType:type];
        if (images.count > 0) {
            [super startAnimating];
            self.currentIsPlayingAnimation = YES;
    } else {
      // 自定义动画
        if (_curAnimatedImage && _link.paused) {
            _curLoop = 0;
            _loopEnd = NO;
            _link.paused = NO;
            self.currentIsPlayingAnimation = YES;


准备工作,调用 resetAnimated, 在 dispatch_once 中初始化 _requestQueue , 设置maxConcurrentOperationCount 为1,串行执行请求图像任务,初始化_link,设置target为_YYImageWeakProxy,传入 self 赋值给 weak 属性 target,避免循环引用,添加到 mainRunLoop,mode 设置为 NSRunLoopCommonModes

// init the animated params.
- (void)resetAnimated {
    dispatch_once(&_onceToken, ^{
        _lock = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
        _buffer = [NSMutableDictionary new];
        _requestQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
        _requestQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1;
        _link = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:[_YYImageWeakProxy proxyWithTarget:self] selector:@selector(step:)];
        if (_runloopMode) {
            [_link addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:_runloopMode];
        _link.paused = YES;
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didReceiveMemoryWarning:) name:UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification object:nil];
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(didEnterBackground:) name:UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification object:nil];
    [_requestQueue cancelAllOperations];
     //加锁 清除原来的图像数据
         if (_buffer.count) {
             NSMutableDictionary *holder = _buffer;
             _buffer = [NSMutableDictionary new];
             dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0), ^{
                 // Capture the dictionary to global queue,
                 // release these images in background to avoid blocking UI thread.
                 [holder class];
    _link.paused = YES;
    _time = 0;
    if (_curIndex != 0) {
        [self willChangeValueForKey:@"currentAnimatedImageIndex"];
        _curIndex = 0;
        [self didChangeValueForKey:@"currentAnimatedImageIndex"];
    _curAnimatedImage = nil;
    _curFrame = nil;
    _curLoop = 0;
    _totalLoop = 0;
    _totalFrameCount = 1;
    _loopEnd = NO;
    _bufferMiss = NO;
    _incrBufferCount = 0;

开启 _link ,以大约每秒60次的频率(屏幕刷新频率)调用 step:(CADisplayLink *)link 其中 _buffer 存储图像数据, _YYAnimatedImageViewFetchOperation 用于获取图像数据 实现代码在 main 方法中的 UIImage *img = [_curImage animatedImageFrameAtIndex:idx];

- (void)step:(CADisplayLink *)link {
    //当前显示的图像, 必须遵守 YYAnimatedImage 协议
    UIImage <YYAnimatedImage> *image = _curAnimatedImage;
  // 获取当前的图像数据字典
    NSMutableDictionary *buffer = _buffer;
    UIImage *bufferedImage = nil;
    NSUInteger nextIndex = (_curIndex + 1) % _totalFrameCount;
    BOOL bufferIsFull = NO;
    if (!image) return;
   // 结束动画
    if (_loopEnd) { // view will keep in last frame
        [self stopAnimating];
    NSTimeInterval delay = 0;
    if (!_bufferMiss) {
        // 累加时间,保证当前图像的显示时间为delay
        _time += link.duration;
        delay = [image animatedImageDurationAtIndex:_curIndex];
        if (_time < delay) return;
        _time -= delay;
        if (nextIndex == 0) {
            if (_curLoop >= _totalLoop && _totalLoop != 0) {
                _loopEnd = YES;
                [self stopAnimating];
                [self.layer setNeedsDisplay]; // let system call `displayLayer:` before runloop sleep
                return; // stop at last frame
// 如果当前累加时间还是大于下张显示时间,设置累加时间为delay,避免直接跳过下张图像显示
        delay = [image animatedImageDurationAtIndex:nextIndex];
        if (_time > delay) _time = delay; // do not jump over frame
    // 加锁获取并显示下张图像
         bufferedImage = buffer[@(nextIndex)];
         if (bufferedImage) {
             if ((int)_incrBufferCount < _totalFrameCount) {
                 // 还未完全获取所有图像时,清除下一张图像数据,保证数据正确
                 [buffer removeObjectForKey:@(nextIndex)];
             [self willChangeValueForKey:@"currentAnimatedImageIndex"];
             _curIndex = nextIndex;
             [self didChangeValueForKey:@"currentAnimatedImageIndex"];
            // 更新当前图像
             _curFrame = bufferedImage == (id)[NSNull null] ? nil : bufferedImage;
             if (_curImageHasContentsRect) {
            // YYSpriteSheetImage :获取当前Index下的部分图像 Rect,设置 对应的 self.layer.contentsRect
                 _curContentsRect = [image animatedImageContentsRectAtIndex:_curIndex];
                 [self setContentsRect:_curContentsRect forImage:_curFrame];
             nextIndex = (_curIndex + 1) % _totalFrameCount;
             _bufferMiss = NO;
             if (buffer.count == _totalFrameCount) {
                 bufferIsFull = YES;
         } else {
             _bufferMiss = YES;
    if (!_bufferMiss) {
      //更新图像  layer.contents = (__bridge id)_curFrame.CGImage;
        [self.layer setNeedsDisplay]; // let system call `displayLayer:` before runloop sleep
    if (!bufferIsFull && _requestQueue.operationCount == 0) { // if some work not finished, wait for next opportunity
//还未获取所有图像,交给_YYAnimatedImageViewFetchOperation 获取下一张图像
        _YYAnimatedImageViewFetchOperation *operation = [_YYAnimatedImageViewFetchOperation new];
        operation.view = self;
        operation.nextIndex = nextIndex;
        operation.curImage = image;
        [_requestQueue addOperation:operation];

** 主要流程: **

  1. 确保当前图像存在,并且循环未结束
  1. 如果还在当前图像显示时间内,返回
  2. 进入下张图像显示,如存在直接显示,并更新相应属性数据,如不存在,初始化一个operation,获取下一张图像数据

_YYAnimatedImageViewFetchOperation 实现获取下张图像

_YYAnimatedImageViewFetchOperationNSOperation的子类, 用来执行获取图像操作。通过自定义main 方法实现,每添加一个 operation, _incrBufferCount ++, 遍历 _buffer, 获取丢失的图像。具体获取图像通过协议方法 animatedImageFrameAtIndex: 获取

- (void)main {
    __strong YYAnimatedImageView *view = _view;
    if (!view) return;
    if ([self isCancelled]) return;
    if (view->_incrBufferCount == 0) [view calcMaxBufferCount];
    if (view->_incrBufferCount > (NSInteger)view->_maxBufferCount) {
        view->_incrBufferCount = view->_maxBufferCount;
    NSUInteger idx = _nextIndex;
    //当前已尝试获取的图像的次数,不大于 最大图像数
    NSUInteger max = view->_incrBufferCount < 1 ? 1 : view->_incrBufferCount;
    NSUInteger total = view->_totalFrameCount;
    view = nil;
    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++, idx++) {
      //遍历当前所需的图像 Index,按下一张显示图像Index 开始查找
        @autoreleasepool {
            if (idx >= total) idx = 0;
            if ([self isCancelled]) break;
            __strong YYAnimatedImageView *view = _view;
            if (!view) break;
            LOCK_VIEW(BOOL miss = (view->_buffer[@(idx)] == nil));
            if (miss) {
                UIImage *img = [_curImage animatedImageFrameAtIndex:idx];
                img = img.yy_imageByDecoded;
                if ([self isCancelled]) break;
                LOCK_VIEW(view->_buffer[@(idx)] = img ? img : [NSNull null]);
                view = nil;

** 获取图像 **
YYImage YYFrameImage YYSpriteSheetImage 都实现了 YYAnimatedImage 协议方法,后两个比较简单,主要来看 YYImage, 内部获取图像通过 _decoder 实现, 其中 preloadAllAnimatedImageFrames 属性可以用来预先加载所有图像数据

- (UIImage *)animatedImageFrameAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
    if (index >= _decoder.frameCount) return nil;
    dispatch_semaphore_wait(_preloadedLock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
    UIImage *image = _preloadedFrames[index];
    if (image) return image == (id)[NSNull null] ? nil : image;
    return [_decoder frameAtIndex:index decodeForDisplay:YES].image;


最终获取图像调用到 YYImageDecoder内部,返回一个 YYImageFrame实例,存储了图像信息。可以参考文章移动端图片格式调研

- (YYImageFrame *)frameAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index decodeForDisplay:(BOOL)decodeForDisplay {
    YYImageFrame *result = nil;
    result = [self _frameAtIndex:index decodeForDisplay:decodeForDisplay];
    return result;
- (YYImageFrame *)_frameAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index decodeForDisplay:(BOOL)decodeForDisplay {
    if (index >= _frames.count) return 0;
    _YYImageDecoderFrame *frame = [(_YYImageDecoderFrame *)_frames[index] copy];
    BOOL decoded = NO;
    BOOL extendToCanvas = NO;
    if (_type != YYImageTypeICO && decodeForDisplay) { // ICO contains multi-size frame and should not extend to canvas.
        extendToCanvas = YES;
    if (!_needBlend) {
           //包含三种数据源 APNG WEBP 其他
        CGImageRef imageRef = [self _newUnblendedImageAtIndex:index extendToCanvas:extendToCanvas decoded:&decoded];
        if (!imageRef) return nil;
        if (decodeForDisplay && !decoded) {
            CGImageRef imageRefDecoded = YYCGImageCreateDecodedCopy(imageRef, YES);
            if (imageRefDecoded) {
                imageRef = imageRefDecoded;
                decoded = YES;
        UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef scale:_scale orientation:_orientation];
        if (!image) return nil;
        image.yy_isDecodedForDisplay = decoded;
        frame.image = image;
        return frame;
    // blend
    if (![self _createBlendContextIfNeeded]) return nil;
    CGImageRef imageRef = NULL;
        //混合绘制图像 Demo 中的APNG 就是混合绘制的
    if (_blendFrameIndex + 1 == frame.index) {
            //当前帧是预测编码帧(P帧)前一帧是关键帧(即 I 帧,帧内编码帧)
        imageRef = [self _newBlendedImageWithFrame:frame];
        _blendFrameIndex = index;
    } else { // should draw canvas from previous frame
        _blendFrameIndex = NSNotFound;
        CGContextClearRect(_blendCanvas, CGRectMake(0, 0, _width, _height));
        if (frame.blendFromIndex == frame.index) {
            CGImageRef unblendedImage = [self _newUnblendedImageAtIndex:index extendToCanvas:NO decoded:NULL];
            if (unblendedImage) {
                CGContextDrawImage(_blendCanvas, CGRectMake(frame.offsetX, frame.offsetY, frame.width, frame.height), unblendedImage);
            imageRef = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(_blendCanvas);
            if (frame.dispose == YYImageDisposeBackground) {
                CGContextClearRect(_blendCanvas, CGRectMake(frame.offsetX, frame.offsetY, frame.width, frame.height));
            _blendFrameIndex = index;
        } else { // canvas is not ready
            for (uint32_t i = (uint32_t)frame.blendFromIndex; i <= (uint32_t)frame.index; i++) {
                if (i == frame.index) {
                    if (!imageRef) imageRef = [self _newBlendedImageWithFrame:frame];
                } else {
                    [self _blendImageWithFrame:_frames[i]];
            _blendFrameIndex = index;
    if (!imageRef) return nil;
    UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef scale:_scale orientation:_orientation];
    if (!image) return nil;
    image.yy_isDecodedForDisplay = YES;
    frame.image = image;
    if (extendToCanvas) {
        frame.width = _width;
        frame.height = _height;
        frame.offsetX = 0;
        frame.offsetY = 0;
        frame.dispose = YYImageDisposeNone;
        frame.blend = YYImageBlendNone;
    return frame;

** 图像解码主要方法 **
根据传入的图像data 更新数据到 _frames 数组 ,里面存储的是 _YYImageDecoderFrame 。大致有三类图片数据,webP,APNG, 其他。
webP 图片通过Google的 WebP.framework 实现,APNG是 自定义实现的图像解码,其他的通过 ImageIO 框架实现的

- (void)_updateSource {
    switch (_type) {
        case YYImageTypeWebP: {
            [self _updateSourceWebP];
        } break;
        case YYImageTypePNG: {
            [self _updateSourceAPNG];
        } break;
        default: {
            [self _updateSourceImageIO];
        } break;

主要看一下 _updateSourceImageIO

- (void)_updateSourceImageIO {
   //图像宽,高,显示方向初始化, 循环次数, 0 代表无限
    _width = 0;
    _height = 0;
    _orientation = UIImageOrientationUp;
    _loopCount = 0;
    dispatch_semaphore_wait(_framesLock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
    _frames = nil;
    // 处理图像源
    if (!_source) {
        if (_finalized) {
            _source = CGImageSourceCreateWithData((__bridge CFDataRef)_data, NULL);
        } else {
            _source = CGImageSourceCreateIncremental(NULL);
            if (_source) CGImageSourceUpdateData(_source, (__bridge CFDataRef)_data, false);
    } else {
        CGImageSourceUpdateData(_source, (__bridge CFDataRef)_data, _finalized);
    if (!_source) return;
    _frameCount = CGImageSourceGetCount(_source);
    if (_frameCount == 0) return;
    if (!_finalized) { // ignore multi-frame before finalized
        _frameCount = 1;
    } else {
        if (_type == YYImageTypePNG) { // use custom apng decoder and ignore multi-frame
            _frameCount = 1;
        if (_type == YYImageTypeGIF) { // get gif loop count
            CFDictionaryRef properties = CGImageSourceCopyProperties(_source, NULL);
            if (properties) {
                CFDictionaryRef gif = CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, kCGImagePropertyGIFDictionary);
                if (gif) {
                    CFTypeRef loop = CFDictionaryGetValue(gif, kCGImagePropertyGIFLoopCount);
                    if (loop) CFNumberGetValue(loop, kCFNumberNSIntegerType, &_loopCount);

     ICO, GIF, APNG may contains multi-frame.
    NSMutableArray *frames = [NSMutableArray new];
    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < _frameCount; i++) {
        _YYImageDecoderFrame *frame = [_YYImageDecoderFrame new];
        frame.index = i;
        frame.blendFromIndex = i;
        frame.hasAlpha = YES;
        frame.isFullSize = YES;
        [frames addObject:frame];
        // 获取图像源属性信息
        CFDictionaryRef properties = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(_source, i, NULL);
        if (properties) {
            NSTimeInterval duration = 0;
            NSInteger orientationValue = 0, width = 0, height = 0;
            CFTypeRef value = NULL;
            value = CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, kCGImagePropertyPixelWidth);
            if (value) CFNumberGetValue(value, kCFNumberNSIntegerType, &width);
            value = CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, kCGImagePropertyPixelHeight);
            if (value) CFNumberGetValue(value, kCFNumberNSIntegerType, &height);
            if (_type == YYImageTypeGIF) {
                CFDictionaryRef gif = CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, kCGImagePropertyGIFDictionary);
                if (gif) {
                    // Use the unclamped frame delay if it exists.
                    value = CFDictionaryGetValue(gif, kCGImagePropertyGIFUnclampedDelayTime);
                    if (!value) {
                        // Fall back to the clamped frame delay if the unclamped frame delay does not exist.
                        value = CFDictionaryGetValue(gif, kCGImagePropertyGIFDelayTime);
                  // gif 图像时间
                    if (value) CFNumberGetValue(value, kCFNumberDoubleType, &duration);
            frame.width = width;
            frame.height = height;
            frame.duration = duration;
            if (i == 0 && _width + _height == 0) { // init first frame
                _width = width;
                _height = height;
                value = CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, kCGImagePropertyOrientation);
                if (value) {
                    CFNumberGetValue(value, kCFNumberNSIntegerType, &orientationValue);
                    _orientation = YYUIImageOrientationFromEXIFValue(orientationValue);
    dispatch_semaphore_wait(_framesLock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
    _frames = frames;

_YYImageDecoderFrame *frame = [(_YYImageDecoderFrame *)_frames[index] copy];
采用画布进行渲染, 最终获得图像 frame.image = image;



  • kakukeme:YYImageCoder, 能不能多分析下;
    - (YYImageFrame *)_frameAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index decodeForDisplay:(BOOL)decodeForDisplay
  • 张东帅:YYKit的Demo FPS在Xcode8中掉的厉害,可惜大神这一年多杳无音信

