文 | 「Non-stop」

文 | 「Non-stop」

作者: 陌上樱花 | 来源:发表于2018-02-27 12:47 被阅读9次

I went on a journey

It was in winter

I walked besides the river

The wind was chilly cold

but it didn't stop me

In fact

I still want to walk on far far away

far away from where I live

and to think what I won't think about in the normal life

Then I think of my soul

It seems to jump out of my body

standed up on the river, singing

It waved to me

and I waved back

It walked away

and it walked on, without any stopping

I walked behind

Somehow I think

my soul is more initiative than me

It always walk indefinitely than I can imagine

Only one thing can stop me

and that it's my soul

but my soul is still walking on far far away, non-stopping


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    本文标题:文 | 「Non-stop」
