Inner peace

作者: 鲜宇夫 | 来源:发表于2019-10-31 06:25 被阅读0次

I feel the society is more and more noisy

It really needs some practice to keep the inner peace

It takes a lot of wisdom to be able to live in peace with your heart

More people are tired because there is no peace in their heart

We always want to be more integrated into society, but we forget to listen to ourselves

There are often some unexpected events in the society, which show that people are impetuous

I often ask what's wrong with this society

Why do people become impatient and aggressive

Now, almost everyone has a mobile phone, and fewer and fewer people are willing to read paper books

A lot of fast food culture wastes people's time and energy

People's lives are more and more busy, but their hearts are more and more empty

Not many people are willing to be patient and think

I think I've had a lot of hard work and gains in the last ten years

I met myself, understood myself, accepted myself

No matter what kind of situation and scenery, it will not affect my inner peace

I listen carefully to my inner freedom and fly every day

Inner peace


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