

作者: carpediemmlf | 来源:发表于2018-10-15 22:58 被阅读0次

    Lecture 4, Systematic errors and sampling

    Additional strategies for mitigating systematic errors

    1. Null method: e.g. current bridge. The indicating device does not need to be linear or even calibrated.

    2. Watch out for changes in time: e.g. do "ABC ABC ABC" instead of "AAA BBB CCC" because the experiment result may drift in time.

    3. Differential measurements: e.g. measure the temperature w.r.t a standard and similar to the desired temperature, for example, thermal couple output ~ 100C compared to the output in boiling water.
      whats the difference between this and the null method?

    N.B. Always approach a measurement from the same side to avoid backlash.

    1. Selection effects: make sure you are measuring the thing you want to measure. Avoid spurious correlation.

    Digital Sampling

    • Record instantaneous values of X(t) at regular intervals.

    • Fourier Transforms

    f(t) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int^{\infty}_{- \infty} g(\omega) e^{i\omega t} {\rm d} {\omega}

    g(\omega) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int^{\infty}_{- \infty} f(t) e^{- i\omega t} {\rm d} {t}

    Examples: cos, sinc, comb !!!! should have produced accompanying graphs

    • Minimum sampling rate: Nyquist Criterion basic version
      For a band-limited function, need to sample at a minimum rate of twice the highest frequency Fourier component present in the signal.
      If the sampling is noiseless, can recover the signal perfectly from its samples.

    • Aliasing
      Present when the Nyquist criterion is not met.
      True\ freq = \frac{Sampling\ freq}{2} + e
      e = v - v_a
      also notice that it can only represent an aliasing of an aliasing if the original signal is too high.

    • Convolution
      h(z) = f*g=\int^{+\infty}_{- \infty}f(t)g(z-t){\rm d}t
      Convolution with the comb function (a series of delta function) leads to replication of the original function at each delta point.

    • Convolution theorem

    FT(f(t) \cdot g(t))\propto F(\omega) *G(\omega)

    FT(f*g) \propto F(\omega) \cdot G(\omega)

    Convolution in one domain is proportional to point-wise product in the other domain.



