1. When she did that painting,color film hadn’t even been invented yet,neither had the right technology to blow pictures up that big to show that much detail.
2. He used a prison to break white light down into the various colors of the spectrum. And he theorized,rightly so,that different colors are essentially different wavelengths of light.
3. And he was a Romantic,through and through,meaning that he explained objects and phenomena in terms of the spiritual,emotional impact they had,as opposed to explaining them in terms of their scientific nature.
4. He rejected an objective understanding of color,in favor of a more subjective understanding. He believed that when we see color,it stimulates our emotions. And different colors appeal to or inspire different emotions in different people.
5. But, his experiments actually did show a lot about the relationships between colors themselves, about how colors change when placed next to other colors, about how they interact with one another.
6. If you're interested in reading our more comprehensive findings,we've produced detailed graphic representations on the college web-site and of course any of the group would be happy to talk to you about them,just email us.
7. We were all very engaged by the idea of why wild animals would choose to inhabit a city garden. Why is it so popular with wildlife when the countryside itself is becoming less so?
8. As you probably know, primary colors are,…speaking, the basic colors from which all other colors can be made. But as you’ll find out when you start working on your painting projects, the three primary colors – red, blue, yellow – don’t always make the best secondary colors.
9. Our own formal discussions with neighbors and friends led us to believe that many garden owners had interesting experiences to relate regarding wild animal sightings, so we decided to survey garden owners from different areas of the city.
10. The whole point of the project was to look at the norm not the exception. Alongside this primary research on urban gardens, we were studying a lot of books about the decline of wild animals in the countryside and thinking of possible causes for this.