Do what you want to do is the ha

作者: KevinZucker | 来源:发表于2021-04-05 20:29 被阅读0次

    Lincoln once said, "I have always believed that if a man sets his mind to a certain kind of happiness, then he can get it." This is the power of mind! In fact, there is only a small difference in mentality between people, but this small difference in mentality often causes a huge difference!

    There is no doubt that a state of mind is happiness: a lifetime to be able to do what you want to do, is the most happy thing. So who has the power to decide whether your future is happy or unhappy? There is only one answer - yourself.

    A famous TV host in the United States once invited an old man to be interviewed on his show. What the old man said on the show was unprepared and unrehearsed, but it was so plain and natural that it always made people smile and was very popular with the audience. Of course, the famous host is no exception, he also infected by the warmth of the atmosphere and happy.

    The host couldn't help asking the old man curiously, "Why are you so happy? You must have an incredible secret to creating happiness!

    "No! No! "The old man replied," There is no magic secret at all. It is a very ordinary thing, just like everyone has a mouth on their face. I just make one choice every morning when I get up. Which one do you think I would choose? - I just choose to be happy.

    Simple and incredible as the matter may sound, the old man's view sounded too simple.

    However, it reminds me of one important thing, that is what Abraham Lincoln said: "Men are as happy as they make up their minds to be." Nothing in the world is more simple than that.



        本文标题:Do what you want to do is the ha
