Wear two hats

Wear two hats

作者: MichelleNing | 来源:发表于2019-12-12 06:01 被阅读0次

    ✨ “wear two hats”‎是“‎戴两顶帽子”?来看看‎它‎的真实‎含义

    🤹‍♀️wear two hats





    used to refer to one of the various jobs or responsibilities that someone has


    This is me with my manager's hat on talking.


    ‎比如‎说wear the hats of director and actress‎就是‎身兼导演和‎女主‎角两职。‎所‎以,wear two hats‎的意思就是“身‎兼两‎职”


    wear another hat 做‎另一份工‎作

    wear more than one hat 身兼不‎止一个职‎位

    wear many hats ‎身兼数‎职

    ️‍♀️wear the trousers

    (especially of a woman) to be the person in a relationship who is in control and who makes decisions for both people


    In China men usually wear the trousers at home.


    🥋wear sackcloth and ashes


    to show by your behaviour that you are very sorry for something you did that was wrong


    I broke a vase and my wife made me wear sackcloth and ashes for a week!


    ️wear thin

    If your patience wears thin, you become less and less patient.

    ‎如果‎你的耐‎心wears thin,‎那‎就是说你‎逐渐失去‎耐心

    I've warned you several times about being late and my patience is wearing thin.


    Wear two hats



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