2023-03-16 Relationships Are All

2023-03-16 Relationships Are All

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2023-03-15 09:16 被阅读0次

    “When you are no longer afraid of what others will think, you’re more willing to put yourself out there in all the various ways there are to do that: in relationships, in your career, with your art and creativity, with your exuberance and heart.” — Karen Anderson, a master certified life coach and author

    Don’t let your biggest fears hold you back from living your best life. Strong and long-term relationships are all about being vulnerable. You must be willing to reveal parts of yourself and be transparent with others to gain their trust.

    Vulnerability is about the emotional exposure of being open to uncertainty. When you are vulnerable, you are open to new experiences and willing to love and be loved. You may get hurt in some relationships, but you must take the leap and take the risk.

    You are vulnerable when you put yourself out there, risk rejection, and share something personal you usually wouldn’t share. It takes courage and allowing yourself to be seen in your true light. The benefits of openness outweigh the risks.

    Vulnerability doesn’t make you weaker. It makes you stronger. The more vulnerable you allow yourself, the more powerful you become.



          本文标题:2023-03-16 Relationships Are All
