泽平 的ScalersTalk第八轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day8

泽平 的ScalersTalk第八轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day8

作者: 郑泽平 | 来源:发表于2023-08-07 09:13 被阅读0次


Lesson 27-3 The'Vasa'

As the windfreshened there came a sudden squall and the ship made a strange movement,listing to port. The Ordnance officer ordered all the port cannon to be heavedto starboard to counteract the list, but the steepening angle of the decksincreased. Then the sound of rumbling thunder reached the watchers on theshore, as cargo, ballast, ammunition and 400 people went sliding and crashingdown to the port side of the steeply listing ship. The lower gun-ports were nowbelow water and the inrush sealed the ship's fate. In that first glorious hour,the mighty Vasa, which was intended to rule the Baltic, sank with all flagsflying-in the harbour of her birth.

ði 'Vasa'

æz ðə wɪnd ˈfrɛʃᵊnd

ðeə keɪm ə ˈsʌdᵊn skwɔːl ænd ðə ʃɪp meɪd ə streɪnʤ ˈmuːvmənt, ˈlɪstɪŋ tuː pɔːt.

ði ˈɔːdnəns ˈɒfɪsər ˈɔːdəd ɔːl ðə pɔːt ˈkænən tuː biː hiːvd tuː ˈstɑːbəd tuː ˌkaʊntəˈrækt ðə lɪst, bʌt ðə

ˈstiːpᵊnɪŋ ˈæŋɡᵊl ɒv ðə dɛks ɪnˈkriːst. ðɛn ðə saʊnd ɒv ˈrʌmbᵊlɪŋ

ˈθʌndə riːʧt ðə ˈwɒʧəz ɒn ðə ʃɔː, æz ˈkɑːɡəʊ, ˈbæləst, ˌæmjəˈnɪʃᵊn ænd 400 ˈpiːpᵊl wɛnt ˈslaɪdɪŋ ænd ˈkræʃɪŋ daʊn

tuː ðə pɔːt saɪd ɒv ðə ˈstiːpli ˈlɪstɪŋ ʃɪp. ðə ˈləʊə ɡʌn-pɔːts wɜː naʊ bɪˈləʊ ˈwɔːtər ænd ði ˈɪnrʌʃ

siːld ðə ʃɪps feɪt. ɪn ðæt fɜːst ˈɡlɔːriəs ˈaʊə, ðə ˈmaɪti Vasa, wɪʧ wɒz ɪnˈtɛndɪd tuː

ruːl ðə ˈbɔːltɪk, sæŋk wɪð ɔːl flæɡz ˈflaɪɪŋ-ɪn ðə ˈhɑːbər ɒv hɜː bɜːθ.

任务配置:L0 + L4


单词:1、freshened:清新的,2、squall:突起的狂风,3、port:端口,港口,船的左舷,4、ordnance:军械,5、heave:起伏,举起,鼓起,6、starboard:右舷,7、counteract:抵消,抵制,抵抗,8、steepening:陡峭化,9、angle:角度,10、rumbling:隆隆声,11、cargo:货物,12、ballast:镇流器,13、ammunition:军火,弹药,14、crash:碰撞,紧急,意外,摔伤,15、inrush:涌入,16、seal:海豹,密封,17、fate:命运,气数,18、glorious:辉煌,锦绣,美好,19、Baltic:波罗的海,20、seal the fate:决定命运





    本文标题:泽平 的ScalersTalk第八轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day8
