Ultracontinuous Single Haplotype Genome Assemblies for the Domestic Cat (Felis catus) and Asian Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)
2021 年五月发表在 Journal of Heredity 上。
研究者们对家猫与豹猫的杂交后代进行 PacBio 长片段测序,根据亲本的二代测序数据对该个体的测序数据进行单倍体分型,获得了家猫和豹猫的高度连续性的单倍型组装。
“the absence or collapse of long repetitive DNA, failure to resolve sites of high allelic variation between haplotypes, and the pseudohaploid representations of diploid genomes are artifactual representations of the original parental haplotypes.”
Trio binning 是用来组装单倍型的方法,让分化的两个亲本(例如本研究中的家猫和豹猫)杂交产生子一代杂交个体,结合短读长的二代测序和长读长的三代测序,对两种亲本的单倍型进行组装。
Alignment of domestic cat and Asian leopard cat single haplotype assembly contigs to felCat9. All ideograms are based on the domestic cat (Cho et al. 1997; Davis et al. 2009) except for the modified F1 to E4 chromosome unique to the species of the genera Prionailurus, Acinonyx, and Puma (Graphodatsky et al. 2020). G-banding is represented by dark bars and centromeres by red bars. Domestic cat contigs are depicted as orange bars above the ideogram, and Asian leopard cat contigs are depicted as blue bars below the ideogram.获得的组装很长很连续,达到了近期一些人类基因组组装工作的水平。对于豹猫和其他豹猫属的物种而言,豹猫的单倍型组装也是很好的研究工具。