

作者: 伊卡莱姆 | 来源:发表于2019-05-21 07:18 被阅读0次


    L57-3: Back in the old country

    Well, I had been wrong, for I was now lost.

    I looked at the map and then at the millimeter.

    I had come ten miles since leaving the town, and at this point,

    according to my father,

    I should be looking at farms and cottages in a valley,

    with the spire of the church of our village showing in the far distance.

    I could see no valley, no farms, no cottages and no church spire -- only a lake.

    I decided that I must have taken a wrong turning somewhere.

    So I drove back to the town and began to retrace the route,

    taking frequent glances at the map.

    I landed up at the same corner.

    The curious thing was that the lake was not marked on the map.

    I left as if I had stumbled into a nightmare country,

    as you sometimes do in dreams.

    And, as in a nightmare, there was nobody in sight to help me.

    Fortunately for me,

    as I was wondering what to do next,

    there appeared on the horizon a man on horseback, riding in my direction.

    I waited till he came near,

    then I asked him the way to our old village.

    He said that there was now no village.

    I thought he must have misunderstood me,

    so I repeated its name.

    This time he pointed to the lake.

    The village no longer existed because it had been submerged, and all the valley too. The lake was not a natural one, but a man-made reservoir.


    知识笔记:millimeter/mɪləˌmitər    retrace/riˈtreɪs    frequent/frikwənt    horizon/həˈraɪzən    misunderstood/mɪsəndərˈstʊd    submerged/səbˈmɜrʤd    reservoir/rɛzəˌvwɑr




