
作者: 水滴石穿2017 | 来源:发表于2017-07-07 21:32 被阅读0次


    take a long time to do something

    produce any actual applications 实际应用

    might have had a case for(有一种现象) giving little thought to(不考虑) the social or environmental impact of their work(他们的工作对社会和环境的影响)

    with the huge advances first in physics and then in biology (先于物理之后于生物发生的进步)

    play a much more important role in our lives (在我们的生活中扮演越来越重要的地位)

    the relationship between scientists and society become much closer(关系越来越密切)

    become increasingly concerned about (越来越担心)

    the ethics of what they are doing 

    vastly improved crop yields 迅速增加的粮食产量

    eradication of diseases 疾病的消灭

    chemical weapons 化学武器

    ought to do 应该做什么

    stop doing 

    make any distinctions between pure science and applied science 作出理论科学和应用科学的区分

    in practical terms in no longer exists 在现实中不存在了

    accept full responsibility for the consequences of their work  完全承担起他们工作

    explore the last point a little bit further 在最后一个问题上多一些探讨

    put that responsibility into practice 让义务实施

    advise on 就..提出建议

    through the media and at the workplace 通过媒体和工作场所

    what might one day go wrong as a result of what they're coming up with now 他们正在做的事情可能招致的麻烦)

    and just as importantly 同样重要的是

    if and when things do go wrong ,they need to sort them out

    especially when the fault lies with the original research 尤其是因为本来的研究结果出的错

    given that their work crosses frontiers so readily 考虑到他们的研究结果如此容易的跨过国界

    I think it gives them ,or at least should give them ,a global view

    In this aspect some of them are better placed(更好的注意到) than many politicians to see how new discoveries are likely to affect particular parts of the world

    get involved with 参与

    Much better to raise the public's awareness of (提高对。。的意识)scientific issues ,so they can put the pressure on(对..施加压力) at election time 



