GMAT OG 2019语法新题解析693

GMAT OG 2019语法新题解析693

作者: 欧米GMAT | 来源:发表于2018-08-23 10:33 被阅读56次

    GMAT OG2019全新出炉,欧米GMAT整理语法部分新题并附上解析,持续更新,欢迎关注!

    693. Thomas Mann’s novel Doctor Faustus offers an examination not only of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but also a skillfully navigated exploration of the major concerns of modernism.

    A. an examination not only of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but

    B. an examination not only about the difficulty of reconciling reason, will, and passion in any art form, and

    C. not only an examination of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, will, and passion in any art form, and

    D. not only an examination about the difficulty with reconciling reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but

    E. not only an examination of the difficulty of reconciling reason, will, and passion in any art form, but


    Not only.....but also的平行,but also后面跟了名词,修饰的是托马斯曼的小说

    A选项Not only后面是of和but also后面不能构成严谨的平行关系

    B,C选项变成了and also这是不正确的

    D,E选项Not only.....but also的平行没有问题,比较选项差异之后发现,一个是difficulty with一个是difficulty of。 difficulty with中的with表示的方式,of表示的是所属的关系,这块表示的是理性,意志和激情融合在一起的困难,所以这里的of要比with好。




        本文标题:GMAT OG 2019语法新题解析693
