初级美语 L031:Poor Amy

初级美语 L031:Poor Amy

作者: 零薪 | 来源:发表于2020-07-11 22:30 被阅读0次


    Amy can't pay this month's rent. She needs some help. Unfortunately, none of her friends can help her. They don't have any money, either. Poor Amy is really depressed. She has no money, and the landlord is knocking at the door. Amy is very nervous. She shouts, "No one is home!"


    ■ Amy can't pay this month's rent.

    • 主:Smy
    • 谓:can't pay
    • 定:this months
    • 宾:rent.

    ■ She needs some help.

    • 主:She
    • 谓:needs
    • 定:some
    • 宾:help.

    此处 some 为形容词,表示“一些”。后接复数可数/不可数名词。

    ■ Unfortunately, none of her friends can help her.

    • 状:Unfortunately 修饰全句。
    • 主:none
    • 定:of her friends
    • 谓:can help
    • 宾:her.

    句型:none of + the(these/those/my/your/his...) + 复数名词 + 复/单数动词。
    (1)None of my friends like(s) music. (去的朋友中没有一个喜欢音乐。)
    (2)None of those books are/is interesting . (那些书没有一本是有趣的。)

    ■ They don't have any money, either.

    • 主:They
    • 谓:don't have
    • 定:any
    • 宾:money
    • 状:either.

    ■ She has no money, and the landlord is knocking at the door.

    • 主:She
    • 谓:has
    • 定:no
    • 宾:money
    • 并列连词:and
    • 主:the landlord
    • 谓:is knocking at
    • 宾:the door.

    the landlord:前文有提到,the 特指。

    ■ Amy is very nervous.

    • 主:Amy
    • 系:is
    • 状:very
    • 表:nervous.

    ■ She shouts, "No one is home!"

    • 主:She
    • 谓:shouts
    • 宾(直接引语):"No one is home!"


    some 的用法

    • 作“一些”解时,之后可接复数可数名词(如 friends、books)或不可数名词(如 money、help).
      Peter has some very good English books.
      I have money.
    • 作“某个”解时,之后接单数可数名词。此时的 some 相当于不定冠词 a / an。
      Some guy is looking for you.
      = A guy is looking for you.



          本文标题:初级美语 L031:Poor Amy
