Thursday. the ninth of March

Thursday. the ninth of March

作者: 周摇摇 | 来源:发表于2017-03-09 23:03 被阅读0次

    Well,today I got up late cuz I thought my roommates would wake me up,I didn't  set  the alarm clock.But they didn't .They thought I wanted to lie in. Sad.

    In the PE class,we learned passing the basketball while running which made me exhausted.

    Although there weren't any English classes,I also learned some new words like sprinkles,marshmallow,can of chilli.

    And I learned two available sentences.

    1.What's the proportion of boys to girls in your class?

    2.The rewards you get in this job are in direct proportion to the effort you put in.



          本文标题:Thursday. the ninth of March
