Deep Dive React 4 How does React

Deep Dive React 4 How does React

作者: 吴摩西 | 来源:发表于2022-08-18 21:25 被阅读0次

In other word, how does React handle updates?

How React communicates with the renderer

setState(...args) {
  this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, ...args);

The Update

  • When we call setState, React adds the passed data to a queue
  • The updates are later handled one by one, but the changes are applied at the same time at the end (flushed to the DOM at once)

Lifecycle & 2 phases

Screen Shot 2022-08-18 at 9.12.01 PM.png
static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
  console.log('this is the only static lifecycle methods, cannot access this, window');
  return state;

Update Steps

happend in 2 phases

  1. setState is called
  2. data is added to a queue
  3. React starts handling the update
  4. new state is calculated + getDerivedStateFromProps is called
  5. shouldComponentUpdate is called with final (derived) state
  6. render is called

  1. DOM changes are made
  2. componentDidUpdate is called



      本文标题:Deep Dive React 4 How does React
