City farms that lead food revolution
by James Tapper
Urban commercial farming – as opposed to Britain's 330,000 allotments(私人菜地) – is a regular topic of interest at places like the World Economic Forum in Davos, where policymakers consider whether the world's food system, blamed for causing both obesity and malnutrition, can be fixed.
urban /ˈɜːb(ə)n/ adj. 城市的
commercial /kəˈmɜːʃ(ə)l/ adj. 商业的
as opposed /əˈpəʊzd/ to 跟…相反
topic of interest 感兴趣的话题
economic /ekəˈnɒmɪk/ adj. 经济的(由economy加后缀-ic变成形容词)
forum /ˈfɔːrəm/ n. 论坛
Davos /ˈdævɒs/ n. 达沃斯(瑞士小镇)
policymaker /ˈpɒləsiˌmeɪkə(r)/ n. 政策制定者(由policy和maker组成)
blame /bleɪm/ v. 指责
cause /kɔːz/ v. 导致
obesity /əʊˈbiːsəti/ n. 肥胖
malnutrition /ˌmælnjuːˈtrɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 营养不良
There are already plenty of urban farming projects around the world, particularly in the US, Japan and the Netherlands, ranging from aquaponics – urban fish and plant farms – to vertical farming, where plants are grown in stacked trays.
project /ˈprɒdʒekt/ n. 项目
the Netherlands /ˈneðələndz/ 荷兰
range /reɪndʒ/ v. (在某个范围内)变化、变动
aquaponics /ˌækwəˈpɒnɪks/ n. 鱼菜共生(一种结合水产养殖和果蔬种植的有机农业模式)
vertical /ˈvɜːtɪk(ə)l/ adj. 垂直的、直立的
stack /stæk/ v. 堆叠
tray /treɪ/ n. 托盘
"It's definitely becoming an expanding industry," said Richard Ballard, a co-founder of the farm Growing Underground. "There are **several **other businesses starting up in London in containers – smaller projects, and there are other vertical farms around the country now."
definitely /ˈdefɪnətli/ adv. 肯定地(表示强调)
expand /ɪkˈspænd/ v. 扩大、扩张
co- 前缀,表示“共同”
founder /ˈfaʊndə(r)/ n. 创办人(由found加上表示人的后缀-er)
underground /ˌʌndəˈɡraʊnd/ adv. 地底下地(由under和ground组成)
start up 开办、开业
container /kənˈteɪnə(r)/ n. 集装箱
Occupying a section of the Second World War air-raid shelters, Growing Underground supplies herb and salad mixes to grocery shops, supermarkets and restaurants. Being in London creates an advantage, Ballard says, as they can harvest and deliver in an hour.
occupy /ˈɒkjupaɪ/ v. 占据
section /ˈsekʃ(ə)n/ n. 部分
raid /reɪd/ n. 突然袭击
shelter /ˈʃeltə(r)/ n. 庇护所(air-raid shelter意思是空袭庇护所,也就是防空洞)
supply /səˈplaɪ/ v./n. 供应
herb /hɜːb/ n. (调味或药用的)草本植物
salad mix 什锦沙拉
grocery /ˈɡrəʊs(ə)ri/ shop 食杂店
advantage /ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ n. 优点、优势
harvest /ˈhɑːvɪst/ v./n. 收割、收获
deliver /dɪˈlɪvə(r)/ v. 配送
He reels off other advantages. Being underground means temperatures never go below 15°C – surface greenhouses need to be heated. They can do more harvests: 60 crops a year, compared with about seven in a traditional farm or about 25 in a polytunnel(塑料大棚). Electricity to power the lights is a major overhead, but the firm believes renewable energy will become cheaper.
reel /rɪəl/ off 滔滔不绝地说
surface /ˈsɜːfɪs/ n. 表面(这里指地表)
greenhouse /ˈɡriːnhaʊs/ n. 温室(由green和house组成)
heat /hiːt/ v. 加热
crop /krɒp/ n. 一次收割、收成
traditional /trəˈdɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ adj. 传统的
power /paʊə(r)/ v. 提供动力、提供能量
major /ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/ adj. 主要的
overhead /ˈəʊvəhed/ n. 开销、日常费用
renewable /rɪˈnjuːəb(ə)l/ adj. 可再生的(由renew加后缀-able变成形容词)
Similar British ventures include the Jones Food Company in Lincolnshire, while in the US AeroFarms has several projects in New Jersey, and Edenworks in Brooklyn uses the nitrogen(氮) waste from the tilapia(罗非鱼) and striped bass in its aquaponic(鱼菜共生的) fish farm to feed its herb crop.
venture /ˈventʃə(r)/ n. 经营有风险商业活动的公司
New Jersey /ˈdʒɜːzi/ 新泽西州(美国东北部的州)
Brooklyn /ˈbruklin/ n. 布鲁克林(美国纽约的一个行政区)
striped /straɪpt/ adj. 有条纹的
bass /bæs/ n. 鲈鱼
crop /krɒp/ n. 农作物、庄稼
For Clare Brass of Department 22, a sustainability consultancy(咨询公司) which curated the Roca London exhibition, projects like Growing Underground are vital pointers to the future.
sustainability /səˌsteɪnəˈbɪləti/ n. 可持续性(指可持续发展)
curate /kjʊəˈreɪt/ v. 组织和管理展览
exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 展览
vital /ˈvaɪt(ə)l/ adj. 必不可少的
pointer /ˈpɔɪntə(r)/ n. 预示未来发展的事物
"We are living in the most ridiculously wasteful system," she said, citing research that shows about a third of the world's food is lost. "We need to transition to a circular economy. These people are innovating, and we need them to show us the way."
ridiculously /rɪˈdɪkjələsli/ adv. 荒唐地、荒谬地(由ridiculous加后缀-ly变成副词)
wasteful /ˈweɪstf(ə)l/ adj. 浪费的(由waste加后缀-ful变成形容词)
cite /saɪt/ v. 引用、援引
transition /trænˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ v. 转变、过渡
circular /ˈsɜːkjulə(r)/ adj. 循环的
economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ n. 经济
innovate /ˈɪnəveɪt/ v. 创新
show someone the way 给某人指路
Some of the ideas presented include rooftop bee-keeping, an insect breeding farm for roundabouts in Stockholm, home food recycling in 24 hours, and a floating dairy farm in Rotterdam that is due to open later this year.
present /prɪˈzent/ v. 提出、提交
rooftop /ˈruːftɒp/ n. 屋顶的外表面(由roof和top组成)
bee-keeping 养蜂
insect /ˈɪnsekt/ n. 昆虫
breed /briːd/ v. 繁殖、养育
roundabout /ˈraʊndəbaʊt/ n. (公路上的)环岛
Stockholm /ˈstɒkhəʊm/ n. 斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都)
recycle /riːˈsaɪk(ə)l/ v. 循环利用
dairy /ˈdeəri/ n. 乳制品
Rotterdam /ˈrɒtədæm/ n. 鹿特丹(荷兰城市)
be due to do something 计划(在某个时候)做某事
"Now we're seeing the true cost of food in terms of climate change, mass extinctions, water depletion, soil erosion and diet-related disease," said Carolyn Steel, a London-based architect and author of Hungry City. "Ultimately we need to pay more for food."
in terms of 就…而言
mass /mæs/ adj. 大规模的
extinction /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃ(ə)n/ n. 灭绝
depletion /dɪˈpliːʃ(ə)n/ n. 损耗
soil /sɔɪl/ n. 土壤
erosion /ɪˈrəʊʒ(ə)n/ n. 侵蚀、流失
related /rɪˈleɪtɪd/ adj. 相关的
-based /beɪst/ 后缀,意思是“总部在…的”
architect /ˈɑːkɪtekt/ n. 建筑师
ultimately /ˈʌltɪmətli/ adv. 最终