
作者: 五月夏天 | 来源:发表于2018-04-22 16:55 被阅读0次

    It is the first time that l make an anger with the person who pricks my sores.l know there is no need to punish yourself for the mistakes of others,but l did so.

                                                            Apr.13 l hurt

    "But you seem to be winning.

    I also didn't fail very much, and today I harvest a friend of this amazing thing , so I am a bit superior than you [happy].

    It doesn't matter. For the first time, just be careful."

    Are you telling me an answer to your three sentences?


                              Apr.14 I pick up a “girlfriend”

    The first time I stood in front of your camera, I looked at the camera, you looked at me......

                                      Apr.15 I couldn't see you

    It isn't worthwhile spending so much time on minor problems.

                                Apr.16 tell right from wrong

    Why don't you do like that?!  You always make things worse! Sorry ...

    That's Okay,l never mind. Maybe I was wrong, too.

                                      Apr.17 Am l really wrong

    When coming back from Lady Xian temple,@H,@GuXiang and l make yogurt in my lab.How full and wonderful a day.Thank you all.

                                    Apr. 18 l am the happiest

    You left,then you come.

                                                Apr.19 starting line

    A message from 圆通 express .recipient is “糖子”,which it is the name only used by myself.But exactly know ,l didn't  buy myself anything.Then l refuse to sign the express.

                                                Apr.20 anonymous

    Harry meets some terrible things so that He almost gets mad.He wanna share the bad feelings ,however,experiment makes me busy which could't response in time.How could l conform him?

                                            Apr.21 you need care

    Quality is not an act, it's a habit. First we make our habits, then our habits make us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you. ——@一船明月

                                                    Apr.22 practicing

    "Seize the opportunity!"

    Guxiang gave me the analysis of the problem, she sighed and reminded me to give advice.

    "Do I want it?"

    I asked calmly,seriously.

                            Apr.22 heart-to-heart chatting



