

作者: winnisz | 来源:发表于2017-03-17 14:43 被阅读0次

Last login: Wed May 25 09:23:04 on consolewdeiMac:~ winni$ wdeiMac:~ winni$ wdeiMac:~ winni$ wdeiMac:~ winni$ lsDesktopDownloadsMoviesPicturesDocumentsLibraryMusicPublicwdeiMac:~ winni$ find /Applications/Xcode.app -name symbolicatecrash -type f ^CwdeiMac:~ winni$ lsDesktopDownloadsMoviesPicturesDocumentsLibraryMusicPublicwdeiMac:~ winni$ find /Applications/Xcode.app -name symbolicatecrash -type f/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrashwdeiMac:~ winni$ cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash-bash: cd: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash: Not a directorywdeiMac:~ winni$ lsDesktopDownloadsMoviesPicturesDocumentsLibraryMusicPublicwdeiMac:~ winni$ lsDesktopDownloadsMoviesPicturesDocumentsLibraryMusicPublicwdeiMac:~ winni$ cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash-bash: cd: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash: Not a directorywdeiMac:~ winni$ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/-bash: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/: is a directorywdeiMac:~ winni$ lsDesktopDownloadsMoviesPicturesDocumentsLibraryMusicPublicwdeiMac:~ winni$ cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/wdeiMac:Resources winni$ lsARMAsm.xclangspecNQC.xclangspecAda.xclangspecObjectiveC++.xclangspecAppleScript.xclangspecObjectiveC.xclangspecAssets.carOpenCL.xclangspecBaseSupport.xclangspecPHP.xclangspecBuilt-in Syntax Types.xcsynspecPPCAsm.xclangspecC++.xclangspecPascal.xclangspecC.xclangspecPerl.xclangspecCSS.xclangspecPython.xclangspecDTrace.xclangspecRez.xclangspecDVTDiffContextDefaults.plistRuby.xclangspecDVTFoundation.xcplugindataTextBasedDylibSource.xclangspecDeveloperPortalModel.momdXML.xclangspecDylan.xclangspeccsh.xclangspecEnglish.lprojhtml.xclangspecFortran.xclangspecllvm.xclangspecGLSL.xclangspecman.xclangspecInfo.plistplist.xclangspecIntelAsm.xclangspecregex.xclangspecInterfacer.xclangspecsh.xclangspecJam.xclangspecsymbolicatecrashJava.xclangspecversion.plistJavaScript.xclangspecxcconfig.xclangspecMake.xclangspecxclangspec.xclangspecMarkdown.xclangspecxcsynspec.xclangspecMetal.xclangspecxctxtmacro.xclangspecModuleMap.xclangspecwdeiMac:Resources winni$ find symbolicatecrashsymbolicatecrashwdeiMac:Resources winni$ cp symbolicatecrash /Users/winni/Desktop/crashwdeiMac:Resources winni$ lsARMAsm.xclangspecNQC.xclangspecAda.xclangspecObjectiveC++.xclangspecAppleScript.xclangspecObjectiveC.xclangspecAssets.carOpenCL.xclangspecBaseSupport.xclangspecPHP.xclangspecBuilt-in Syntax Types.xcsynspecPPCAsm.xclangspecC++.xclangspecPascal.xclangspecC.xclangspecPerl.xclangspecCSS.xclangspecPython.xclangspecDTrace.xclangspecRez.xclangspecDVTDiffContextDefaults.plistRuby.xclangspecDVTFoundation.xcplugindataTextBasedDylibSource.xclangspecDeveloperPortalModel.momdXML.xclangspecDylan.xclangspeccsh.xclangspecEnglish.lprojhtml.xclangspecFortran.xclangspecllvm.xclangspecGLSL.xclangspecman.xclangspecInfo.plistplist.xclangspecIntelAsm.xclangspecregex.xclangspecInterfacer.xclangspecsh.xclangspecJam.xclangspecsymbolicatecrashJava.xclangspecversion.plistJavaScript.xclangspecxcconfig.xclangspecMake.xclangspecxclangspec.xclangspecMarkdown.xclangspecxcsynspec.xclangspecMetal.xclangspecxctxtmacro.xclangspecModuleMap.xclangspecwdeiMac:Resources winni$ cd /Users/winni/Desktop/crashwdeiMac:crash winni$ lssymbolicatecrashwdeiMac:crash winni$ symbolicatecrash -help-bash: symbolicatecrash: command not foundwdeiMac:crash winni$ symbolicatecrash -h-bash: symbolicatecrash: command not foundwdeiMac:crash winni$ symbolicatecrash help-bash: symbolicatecrash: command not foundwdeiMac:crash winni$ symbolicatecrash-bash: symbolicatecrash: command not foundwdeiMac:crash winni$ lssymbolicatecrashwdeiMac:crash winni$ export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/XCode.app/Contents/Developer" wdeiMac:crash winni$ symbolicatecrash-bash: symbolicatecrash: command not foundwdeiMac:crash winni$ ls -hsymbolicatecrashwdeiMac:crash winni$ lssymbolicatecrashwdeiMac:crash winni$ ls helpls: help: No such file or directorywdeiMac:crash winni$ symbolicatecrash -bash: symbolicatecrash: command not foundwdeiMac:crash winni$ lssymbolicatecrashwdeiMac:crash winni$ symbolicatecrash -version-bash: symbolicatecrash: command not foundwdeiMac:crash winni$ symbolicatecrash -version-bash: symbolicatecrash: command not foundwdeiMac:crash winni$ data-bash: data: command not foundwdeiMac:crash winni$ date2016年 5月25日 星期三 10时29分13秒 HKTwdeiMac:crash winni$ cal    五月 2016日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 8  9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31wdeiMac:crash winni$ ./symbolicatecrash -husage:    ./symbolicatecrash [--help] [--dsym=DSYM] [--output OUTPUT_FILE][SYMBOL_PATH ...]The crash log to be symbolicated. If "-", then the log will be read from stdinAdditional search paths in which to search for symbol rich binaries    -o | --outputThe symbolicated log will be written to OUTPUT_FILE. Defaults to "-" (i.e. stdout) if not specified    -d | --dsymAdds additional dSYM that will be consulted if and when a binary's UUID matches (may be specified more than once)    -h | --help                Display this help message    -v | --verbose              Enables additional outputwdeiMac:crash winni$ ./symbolicatecrash --helpusage:    ./symbolicatecrash [--help] [--dsym=DSYM] [--output OUTPUT_FILE][SYMBOL_PATH ...]The crash log to be symbolicated. If "-", then the log will be read from stdinAdditional search paths in which to search for symbol rich binaries    -o | --outputThe symbolicated log will be written to OUTPUT_FILE. Defaults to "-" (i.e. stdout) if not specified    -d | --dsymAdds additional dSYM that will be consulted if and when a binary's UUID matches (may be specified more than once)

-h | --help                Display this help message

-v | --verbose              Enables additional output

wdeiMac:crash winni$ ./Symbolicatecrash QiNiu.crash dSYMs > winni_output_first.crash

wdeiMac:crash winni$ ./Symbolicatecrash QiNiu2.crash dSYMs >winni_output_two.crash

wdeiMac:crash winni$

wdeiMac:crash winni$

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump —uuid QiNiu.app/QiNiu

error: unable to open '—uuid': No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ ls

QiNiu.app dSYMs winni_output_two.crash

QiNiu.crash symbolicatecrash

QiNiu2.crash winni_output_first.crash

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump


dwarfdump -- dump DWARF debug information.


dwarfdump [options] file1 file2 ...


For each operand that names a mach-o or 32 bit ELF file, dwarfdump

disassembles the DWARF data found within the file. Only the .debug_info

section is disassembled unless one of the --debug-XXXX or --all options

are specified.

The following options are available:

-a, --all

Dump disassembly of all DWARF sections -- by default only the

.debug_info section is disassembled, or individual sections can be

specified by using the --debug-XXXX options.


Dump DWARF debug information for the specified CPU architecture.

Architectures may be specified by name or by number.  This option

can be specified multiple times, once for each desired

architecture. All architectures will be disassembled by default.

-c, --show-children

Show a DIE's children when using the --debug-info=OFFSET, --find,

and --name options.


Dump exception handling frame information from the optional SECTION

parameter. The __eh_frame section will be dumped by default.

-e, --english

Print dwarf tags and attributes in a more readable format instead

of using the DWARF TAG_ and AT_ definitions.


Show file composition statistics for any input files. Each file's

contents are analyzed and broken down into byte counts for the

following categories: symbol table, string table, text and code,

DWARF debug information, STABS debug information, and other. When

multiple files are specified, byte count totals for each category

will be displayed at the end of the table.  Specify the optional

'size' argument to show all byte count results using unit suffixes:

Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte. This

option can be useful in tracking the size and makeup of mach-o

binary files, and also allows easy comparison between DWARF and

STABS built binaries and related object files.


Search for the exact text PATTERN in the .debug_pubnames section

and print the matching debug information entries. Use the --regex

option to have PATTERN become a regular expression for more

flexible pattern matching.

When there is no .debug_pubnames section or the name of the DIE you

are looking for is not found in the .debug_pubnames section, try

using the slower but more complete --name option.

-F, --show-form

Show DWARF form types after the DWARF attribute types.

-h, -?, --help

Show help and usage for this command.

-i, --ignore-case

Ignore case distinctions in when finding by name using strings or

regular expressions.


Find and print all DIE entries whose name (DW_AT_name attribute)

matches the exact text in PATTERN. Use the --regex option to

have PATTERN become a regular expression for more flexible pattern



Lookup ADDRESS in the debug information and print out any available

file, function, block and line table details.

-o PATH, --out-file=PATH

Redirect output to a file specified by PATH.

-p, --show-parents

Show a DIE's parents when using the --debug-info=OFFSET, --find,

and --name options.

-r N, --recurse-depth=N

Only recurse to a child depth of N when displaying the DWARF


-u, --uuid

Show the UUID for each architecture.

-x, --regex

Treat any PATTERN strings as regular expressions when searching

instead of just as an exact string match.

-v, --verbose

Display verbose information when dumping. This can help to debug

DWARF issues.


Verify the structure of the DWARF information by verifying the

compile unit chains, die relationships graph, and address ranges.


Display the current version and build date of the dwarfdump binary.
















Dump the specified DWARF section by name. Only the .debug_info

section is disassembled by default. Some entries support adding a

'=OFFSET' as a way to provide an optional offset of the exact entry

to dump within the respective section. When an OFFSET is provided,

only the entry at that offset will be dumped, else the entire

section will be dumped. Some options support an optional '=PATTERN'

parameter that will search the section for an entry with a matching

name. Children of items at OFFSETs can be dumped by also using the

--show-children option where applicable.

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump —u QiNiu.app/QiNiu

error: unable to open '—u': No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump —u

error: unable to open '—u': No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ ls

QiNiu.app dSYMs winni_output_two.crash

QiNiu.crash symbolicatecrash

QiNiu2.crash winni_output_first.crash

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump —u QiNiu.app.dSYM

error: unable to open '—u': No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ ./dwarfdump —u QiNiu.app.dSYM

-bash: ./dwarfdump: No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump —u QiNiu.app.dSYM

error: unable to open '—u': No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump — uuid QiNiu.app.dSYM

error: unable to open '—': No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ ./dwarfdump — uuid QiNiu.app.dSYM

-bash: ./dwarfdump: No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump —uuid QiNiu.app/QiNiu

error: unable to open '—uuid': No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ ./dwarfdump —uuid QiNiu.app/QiNiu

-bash: ./dwarfdump: No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ ./dwarfdump --udiu AppStore.app/AppStore

-bash: ./dwarfdump: No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ ./dwarfdump -h

-bash: ./dwarfdump: No such file or directory

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump


dwarfdump -- dump DWARF debug information.


dwarfdump [options] file1 file2 ...


For each operand that names a mach-o or 32 bit ELF file, dwarfdump

disassembles the DWARF data found within the file. Only the .debug_info

section is disassembled unless one of the --debug-XXXX or --all options

are specified.

The following options are available:

-a, --all

Dump disassembly of all DWARF sections -- by default only the

.debug_info section is disassembled, or individual sections can be

specified by using the --debug-XXXX options.


Dump DWARF debug information for the specified CPU architecture.

Architectures may be specified by name or by number.  This option

can be specified multiple times, once for each desired

architecture. All architectures will be disassembled by default.

-c, --show-children

Show a DIE's children when using the --debug-info=OFFSET, --find,

and --name options.


Dump exception handling frame information from the optional SECTION

parameter. The __eh_frame section will be dumped by default.

-e, --english

Print dwarf tags and attributes in a more readable format instead

of using the DWARF TAG_ and AT_ definitions.


Show file composition statistics for any input files. Each file's

contents are analyzed and broken down into byte counts for the

following categories: symbol table, string table, text and code,

DWARF debug information, STABS debug information, and other. When

multiple files are specified, byte count totals for each category

will be displayed at the end of the table.  Specify the optional

'size' argument to show all byte count results using unit suffixes:

Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte. This

option can be useful in tracking the size and makeup of mach-o

binary files, and also allows easy comparison between DWARF and

STABS built binaries and related object files.


Search for the exact text PATTERN in the .debug_pubnames section

and print the matching debug information entries. Use the --regex

option to have PATTERN become a regular expression for more

flexible pattern matching.

When there is no .debug_pubnames section or the name of the DIE you

are looking for is not found in the .debug_pubnames section, try

using the slower but more complete --name option.

-F, --show-form

Show DWARF form types after the DWARF attribute types.

-h, -?, --help

Show help and usage for this command.

-i, --ignore-case

Ignore case distinctions in when finding by name using strings or

regular expressions.


Find and print all DIE entries whose name (DW_AT_name attribute)

matches the exact text in PATTERN. Use the --regex option to

have PATTERN become a regular expression for more flexible pattern



Lookup ADDRESS in the debug information and print out any available

file, function, block and line table details.

-o PATH, --out-file=PATH

Redirect output to a file specified by PATH.

-p, --show-parents

Show a DIE's parents when using the --debug-info=OFFSET, --find,

and --name options.

-r N, --recurse-depth=N

Only recurse to a child depth of N when displaying the DWARF


-u, --uuid

Show the UUID for each architecture.

-x, --regex

Treat any PATTERN strings as regular expressions when searching

instead of just as an exact string match.

-v, --verbose

Display verbose information when dumping. This can help to debug

DWARF issues.


Verify the structure of the DWARF information by verifying the

compile unit chains, die relationships graph, and address ranges.


Display the current version and build date of the dwarfdump binary.
















Dump the specified DWARF section by name. Only the .debug_info

section is disassembled by default. Some entries support adding a

'=OFFSET' as a way to provide an optional offset of the exact entry

to dump within the respective section. When an OFFSET is provided,

only the entry at that offset will be dumped, else the entire

section will be dumped. Some options support an optional '=PATTERN'

parameter that will search the section for an entry with a matching

name. Children of items at OFFSETs can be dumped by also using the

--show-children option where applicable.

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump


dwarfdump -- dump DWARF debug information.


dwarfdump [options] file1 file2 ...


For each operand that names a mach-o or 32 bit ELF file, dwarfdump

disassembles the DWARF data found within the file. Only the .debug_info

section is disassembled unless one of the --debug-XXXX or --all options

are specified.

The following options are available:

-a, --all

Dump disassembly of all DWARF sections -- by default only the

.debug_info section is disassembled, or individual sections can be

specified by using the --debug-XXXX options.


Dump DWARF debug information for the specified CPU architecture.

Architectures may be specified by name or by number.  This option

can be specified multiple times, once for each desired

architecture. All architectures will be disassembled by default.

-c, --show-children

Show a DIE's children when using the --debug-info=OFFSET, --find,

and --name options.


Dump exception handling frame information from the optional SECTION

parameter. The __eh_frame section will be dumped by default.

-e, --english

Print dwarf tags and attributes in a more readable format instead

of using the DWARF TAG_ and AT_ definitions.


Show file composition statistics for any input files. Each file's

contents are analyzed and broken down into byte counts for the

following categories: symbol table, string table, text and code,

DWARF debug information, STABS debug information, and other. When

multiple files are specified, byte count totals for each category

will be displayed at the end of the table.  Specify the optional

'size' argument to show all byte count results using unit suffixes:

Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte and Petabyte. This

option can be useful in tracking the size and makeup of mach-o

binary files, and also allows easy comparison between DWARF and

STABS built binaries and related object files.


Search for the exact text PATTERN in the .debug_pubnames section

and print the matching debug information entries. Use the --regex

option to have PATTERN become a regular expression for more

flexible pattern matching.

When there is no .debug_pubnames section or the name of the DIE you

are looking for is not found in the .debug_pubnames section, try

using the slower but more complete --name option.

-F, --show-form

Show DWARF form types after the DWARF attribute types.

-h, -?, --help

Show help and usage for this command.

-i, --ignore-case

Ignore case distinctions in when finding by name using strings or

regular expressions.


Find and print all DIE entries whose name (DW_AT_name attribute)

matches the exact text in PATTERN. Use the --regex option to

have PATTERN become a regular expression for more flexible pattern



Lookup ADDRESS in the debug information and print out any available

file, function, block and line table details.

-o PATH, --out-file=PATH

Redirect output to a file specified by PATH.

-p, --show-parents

Show a DIE's parents when using the --debug-info=OFFSET, --find,

and --name options.

-r N, --recurse-depth=N

Only recurse to a child depth of N when displaying the DWARF


-u, --uuid

Show the UUID for each architecture.

-x, --regex

Treat any PATTERN strings as regular expressions when searching

instead of just as an exact string match.

-v, --verbose

Display verbose information when dumping. This can help to debug

DWARF issues.


Verify the structure of the DWARF information by verifying the

compile unit chains, die relationships graph, and address ranges.


Display the current version and build date of the dwarfdump binary.
















Dump the specified DWARF section by name. Only the .debug_info

section is disassembled by default. Some entries support adding a

'=OFFSET' as a way to provide an optional offset of the exact entry

to dump within the respective section. When an OFFSET is provided,

only the entry at that offset will be dumped, else the entire

section will be dumped. Some options support an optional '=PATTERN'

parameter that will search the section for an entry with a matching

name. Children of items at OFFSETs can be dumped by also using the

--show-children option where applicable.

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump -u QiNiu.app/QiNiu

UUID: B2483B96-054D-3C09-BB42-8BC9C2F7AAD9 (armv7) QiNiu.app/QiNiu

UUID: 81C90F2B-A125-346F-8C83-23C2B3F1F796 (arm64) QiNiu.app/QiNiu

wdeiMac:crash winni$ dwarfdump -u QiNiu.app.dSYM

UUID: B2483B96-054D-3C09-BB42-8BC9C2F7AAD9 (armv7) QiNiu.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/QiNiu

UUID: 81C90F2B-A125-346F-8C83-23C2B3F1F796 (arm64) QiNiu.app.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/QiNiu

wdeiMac:crash winni$ cp



