…I have been crucified with Christ. ---Galatians 2:19
A person who is truly united with Jesus abandons not only sins, but also his personal view of things. To be born from heaven and from the holy spirit means that put it down, then get it. The first step is to give up all falsehood. God wants us bring him our sins, not goodness, honesty and hard work. That is all God must accept. However, what can substitute for our sins? The answer is only righteousness. So, we must let go of all pretense of self-righteousness and all pretence of being worthy of God’s grace.
However, the holy spirt will continue to show us the things we need to let go of. I must give up my sovereignty in any case. Whether am I willing to see myself die with Christ and give up everything? Let go of the emotional tie; let go of all things we hold on to. No longer hold tight, as our own. Before putting down, we always experience unforgettable pain. When man sees himself through the eyes of the Lord, it is not the terrible sins of the flesh that astonish him, but the amazing pride of his heart towards Jesus Christ. When he sees himself in the light of the Lord, his shame, fear and despair must be revealed. If we are facing a “let go problem”, we must go through the decision. If you can put everything down, God will make you like him.
God, the scattered light is for the righteous. Lord, what a harvest is! How wonderful your ways are?