The Apache Hive data warehouse software facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage using SQL. Structure can be projected onto data already in storage. A command line tool and JDBC driver are provided to connect users to Hive.
hive --service cli
hive -S #静默模式 不打印输出信息
show databases;
use <dbname>; -- 连接数据库
show tables;
show functions; --显示内置函数
desc <tbl>; -- 显示表结构
dfs -ls <dir>; -- 在hive里显示hdfs的目录
create table person
(id int,
name string,
married boolean,
salary double);
desc person;
create table student
( id int,
name string,
grade array<float>);
create table student
( id int,
name string,
grade map<string, float>);
create table student
( id int,
info struct<name: string, age:int, gender: string>
! cat /proc/cpuinfo;
HQL 查询
select * from tbl; --不会转换为 MapReduce
select title from tbl; -- 转换为 MapReduce