1.commentary ①N-VAR A commentary is a description of an e...[作者空间]
1.bald ①ADJ Someone who is bald has little or no hair on ...[作者空间]
1.alternate ①V-RECIP When you alternate two things, you k...[作者空间]
1.unprecedented ①ADJ If something is unprecedented, it ha...[作者空间]
1.reproach ①V-T If you reproach someone, you say or show ...[作者空间]
1.porch ①N-COUNT A porch is a sheltered area at the entra...[作者空间]
1.integral ADJ Something that is an integral part of some...[作者空间]
1.extract ①V-T To extract a substance means to obtain it ...[作者空间]
1.elapse V-I When time elapses, it passes. (时间) 流逝 • Fort...[作者空间]
1.converge ①V-I If people or vehicles converge on a place...[作者空间]
1.ascertain V-T If you ascertain the truth about somethin...[作者空间]
1.obscure ①ADJ If something or someone is obscure, they a...[作者空间]
1.extravagant ①spending or costing a lot of money, especi...[作者空间]
1.suppress ①If someone in authority suppresses an activit...[作者空间]
1.ascribe ①if you ascribe an event or condition to a pati...[作者空间]