I live within whatever path I choose. 自己选择的路,跪着,哭着,爬着也要走完...[作者空间]
You can focus on what is lost or you can fight for what i...[作者空间]
Every ending is a new beginning. 生命不息,奋斗不止 (如有侵权之处,告知立删)[作者空间]
Very few things that are worthwhile in life come with a c...[作者空间]
Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty....[作者空间]
The only direction in life that matters is forward. 回忆美好,...[作者空间]
It's everything you've been through that makes you who yo...[作者空间]
We only know what we're capable of when we test our limit...[作者空间]
All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ri...[作者空间]
Honesty is your best defense and offense. offense:[əˈfens...[作者空间]
Sometimes things need to fall apart to make way for bette...[作者空间]
Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to t...[作者空间]
The cure to boredom is curiosity.There is no cure for cur...[作者空间]
Liberate yourself from desire,you'll find that you alread...[作者空间]
And the more we try to understand one another,the more ex...[作者空间]
Slow and steady wins the race. 成功是急不来的,没有扎实稳定的每一步,那样的“成功”...[作者空间]
For success,attitude is equally as important as ability. ...[作者空间]
Talent without working hard is nothing. (如有侵权之处,告知立删)[作者空间]
Remember,keep a positive attitude,and good things will ha...[作者空间]
You will never age for me,nor fade,nor die. 我们总会有那么一段难熬的时...[作者空间]