心 心在五脏六腑中居于首要地位,对身体生命活动起着主宰的作用,故《黄帝内经》称其为“君主之官”...[作者空间]
Other types of pain are: angina, a crushing or tightness ...[作者空间]
elect r/o 电 -cardi/o 心脏 gram 记录 东西 AN electocardiogram (E...[作者空间]
syn-. This prefix means “together” and is a prefix for th...[作者空间]
Proximal. This is a (reational) term that defines somethi...[作者空间]
Deep. This refers to something located further away from ...[作者空间]
Posterior. This describes something that is closer to the...[作者空间]
Dorsal. This term can be used instead of posterior and me...[作者空间]
Anteroposterior or posteroanterior. This refers to (diren...[作者空间]
Addtion. This is a movement term that refers to any (moti...[作者空间]
Prone and supine. These are (static) terms that refer to ...[作者空间]
In fact the cardiovascular system is not only responsible...[作者空间]
arteri/o means artery. Arteriorrhexis is a rupture of an ...[作者空间]
embol/o means embolus or plug. Embolectomy is the removal...[作者空间]
hemangi/o means blood vessel. Hemangioma is a benign tumo...[作者空间]
“my/o” means muscle. Myocardial means pertaining to heart...[作者空间]
thromb/o” means blood clot. Thrombolysis is a destruction...[作者空间]
Pulmon/o means lung. A pulmonologist is a physician speci...[作者空间]
Things that differentiate type 1 diabetes from type 2 dia...[作者空间]
Rare types of diabetes mellitus occur because of cystic f...[作者空间]