Not in the mood for garybles, you say? Did something fatl...[作者空间]
Come along with me And the butterflies and bees We can wa...[作者空间]
Transcript [The episode begins in an area filled with bon...[作者空间]
Synopsis When Finn and Jake see a bullying ogre named Don...[作者空间]
Finn: [singing] ♫ Is this really my life? Is this how my ...[作者空间]
胆小鬼的表达已经学过了好多个了 scaredy-cat weenies U R a total wuss.——I‘...[作者空间]
pranking! I AM TORN 我分裂了[作者空间]
MMP,这一段讽刺了好多神婆一样的班主任,非要诚恳认错的那种 得到教训:learn your lesson[作者空间]
这一集讲的是FINN助人为乐,结果被小姑娘骗了自己也变成了小偷 可以学到很多复仇、肮脏之类的词 vengeance...[作者空间]
一下子学了3个 胆小鬼 的表达 this is it ,feeling good[作者空间]