【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 5 Unit 1 Pa

【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 5 Unit 1 Pa

作者: 豚之大 | 来源:发表于2020-04-27 15:17 被阅读0次

    【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 5 Unit 1 Part 1(II)Listening The Psychology of Love 2

    In one of China's greatest classical novels, Dream of the Red Chamber, love is presented as a state of foolishness.    在中国最伟大的古典小说《红楼梦》中,爱情被描绘成一种愚蠢的状态。

    A young man falls in love with a beautiful woman who tricks and makes a fool of him.     一个年轻人爱上了一个漂亮的女人,这个女人耍花招,把他当傻子。

    This results in conflicting emotions of love and hate which tear him apart.     这导致了爱与恨的矛盾情绪,把他撕碎了。

    To cure him, a priest gives him a magic mirror.【跟读】     为了治好他,神父给了他一面魔镜。

    The priest tells him to look into the reverse side of the mirror, but never to look in the front side.【朗读】神父(道士)让他看镜子的反面,但不要看前面。

    【选择】-What side of the mirror is he supposed to look into?     -the reverse side

    When the young man looks into the mirror, he doesn't like what he sees, so he  looks into the forbidden side, the front side.     当这个年轻人看着镜子时,他不喜欢他看到的东西,所以他看了看被禁止的一面,前面。

    There he sees the lovely image of his love, who invites him into the mirror to be with her.     在那里他看到了他爱的可爱的形象,他邀请他到镜子里和她在一起。

    He does this several times until he is finally dragged away in chains.      他这样做了好几次,直到最后被人用锁链把他拖走。

    He dies while looking into the mirror.     他看着镜子就死了。

    Perhaps the point of the story is that all such attachments should be avoided.     也许故事的重点是应该避免所有这些附件。

    【选择】-Why does the young man look into the forbidden side of the mirror?    -He doesn't like what he sees in the mirror.

    【选择】-What finally happens to the young man?   -He is dragged away in chains and dies.这个年轻人最后会怎么样?他被铁链拖走死了。

    【选择】-What does he see in the forbidden side of the mirror?    -the image of his love.

    【跟读】He enters the mirror to be with his love and satisfy his desires.   他进入镜子与他的爱,满足他的欲望。

    【跟读】The way to free ourselves from suffering is to remove desires.使自己摆脱痛苦的方法是消除欲望。

    【跟读】Once free of desires, we can reach a state of peace and wisdom.

    【跟读】He is dragged away in chains and dies while looking into the mirror.他被铁链拖走,看着镜子死去。

    A famous French writer, Simone de Beauvoir has another point of view.    作为法国著名作家,西蒙·德·波伏瓦有另一种观点。

    For her, love is the desire to integrate with another, like in a great friendship.    对她来说,爱是一种与他人融为一体的渴望,就像在一段伟大的友谊中。

    However, it is important what lovers not become too dependent on the other person.【朗读】    然而,重要的是,恋人不能过于依赖他人。

    Becoming dependent on another person can lead to boredom or power games.    依赖他人会导致无聊或权力游戏。

    Lovers should support each other in discovering themselves and developing their potentials.    情侣们应该互相支持,发现自己,发展自己的潜能。

    In this way, romantic love can enrich the world.【跟读】   这样,浪漫的爱情可以丰富世界。

    【选择】According to this writer, lovers should avoid becoming too dependent on the other person.

    【跟读】Falling in love can be exciting and frightening.   坠入爱河会令人兴奋和恐惧。

    【跟读】Maybe we lose ourselves and maybe we find ourselves.    也许我们失去了自己,也许我们找到了自己。



          本文标题:【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 5 Unit 1 Pa
