How to install postgresql on win

How to install postgresql on win

作者: Jack_Jiang | 来源:发表于2017-09-15 22:10 被阅读0次

    Assume that your user name are:

    • root on WSL
    • jackj on Windows

    1 Install WSL

    Please refer to Windows 10 Installation Guide

    2 Install postgresql

    sudo apk-get install postgresql     # install postgresql

    3 Add user

    To use postgresql, we should add your user name to postgresql

    sudo service postgresql start     # start postgresql service, note you cannot use pg_clt -start
    sudo su postgres    # login as user "postgres" which is automatically created by postgresql
    psql postgres          # open database "postgres" which is the default database created by postgresql

    Now we should see postgres=#

    create user root;      # add your user name to postgresql
    alter user root with superuser;     # alter your user's role to superuser
    \q    # quit 

    Close WSL window and restart.

    4 Transfer file

    In order to transfer files from Windows to WSL, we need to create a symbolic link.

    ln -s "/mnt/c/Users/jackj/Documents/WSL" /root/WSL

    After that, My Documents/WSL on Windows to /root/WSL on WSL are linked together.

    5 Use postgresql

    You may put your file schema.sql on My Documents/WSL

    sudo service postgresql start    # start server
    cd ~/WSL    # enter your working directory
    createdb a2     # create database
    psql a2    # open database
    \i shema.sql   # insert schema.sql and do anything you like just as same as what we did in lab

    6 Link DataGrip

    Download JetBrains DataGrip
    File - Data Sources - add(left top corner) postgresql


    Create password in your database:

    psql a2

    Fill the blanks in DataGrip:

    • Host: localhost
    • Port: 5432
    • Database: a2 # your database
    • User: root
    • Password: <your password>
      Press Test Connection when finish.



          本文标题:How to install postgresql on win
