
作者: 颜克 | 来源:发表于2018-09-28 12:01 被阅读0次



无聊的时候,细数落发,竟是打发时间的最好方法。或许是水土不服吧,或是思念成疾,每天,落发,都会一把。一根,两根,长长短短;一百,二百,成千上万。这样下去,一年,落发会比头上的发要多吧?我常在想,每一根头发,或许都是有生命的。我如果是孙猴子,该有多少个我的子子孙孙流落到了异国他乡?幸好不是,不然真是疯了!散落了,是无论如何也收不回去的。头发,也是最易保存的东西,生命将尽,肉体或化做灰尘,发,可以百年或许千年的留存下去。那么又有谁,愿留我的青丝在贴身口袋里?  与我的分离,也是新的开始吧?落发和头上发还是有区别的,失去了沃土,即使存在,也黯然失色。落下的发,日渐失去了光泽,和头上发,已不能同日而语。就这样慢慢收集吧,枕边,梳妆台上,或许不经意间捋掉的一根,也夹在画本里,带回闺房,拢在一起,拿红绳一根根绑起,像是轻抚另一个自己。  也在犹豫是否要把长发剪掉,终究不忍,要待长发及腰,带着落发一起回家。异国他乡,不愿黑人的理发师触摸我的青丝。古代的女人,发不是谁能轻易触及的,即使要剪,也要落在家乡的土地,落在爱人手里。  发,真是个神奇的东西,她怎么源源不断的长啊长啊,是因为情丝若许吗?除了生命消逝,情依然要留在尘世吗?每一秒的思念,是否都会诞生一个新发,是不是思念越长越多,发也长得快,落得也快呢?那究竟是落发多还是新发生的及时呢?这一年,倒是可以实验一下,待到回乡时,是一把落发在手里,还是新发齐腰际?也或许,你们将见到一个秃子……哈哈,这样想来,未知的未来,总是充满诗意,你可以随便想象,未来的样子,或许,未来就成了你想要的样子。  今日的落发,在白纸上,像是一团雾,也如一片花。流畅的线条,在白纸上,凝结成一坐山,波澜成一片海,有海燕,还有鲸鱼。那个,是不是星星,又像是毛毛虫?你要做什么,惊扰了白云的好梦?好吧,回来我的素手,一同编织一个美梦!  晚安,落发!晚安,新生!


                                 Lose My Hair

In my boring time, I counted my lost hair, this is the best way for me to kill time. Maybe the climate does not suit me, or I missed my relative so much that I became ill, I lost my hair everyday. Losing my hair, that’s a handful. One hair, two hair, long and short: a hundred, two hundred, becoming  millions of losing hair. The amount of my losing hair will be much more than the hair in my head if it is like this in a year.

I often think that every hair is a life perhaps. There will be so many baby monkeys who became homeless in other countries if I am a monkey! Fortunately I am not, otherwise I am mad! The hair lost, I cannot collect them. The hair is so easy to keep, life has gone, the flesh will become dust, but the hair, we can keep it for hundreds of years or thousands of years. Then who is willing to keep my hair in his pocket?

The hair parted from me, that’s the time for growing new hair. Lost hair is different from the hair in my hair, the lost hair has not fertile soil, it lost its color even if it existed. The lost hair has disappeared its color gradually, it can not be named on the same day. Collecting slowly like this, beside the pillows, on the dressing table, or scratched carelessly one hair, you can put it in your drawing book, bring back to your house, put it together, take out a red line to band it, just like touching another you.

I hesitated whether I cut my long hair, I cannot endure at last, I am waiting for my hair to grow to my waist and go home with my losing hair. In this different country, I am unwilling to let the black hairdresser touch my hair. The hair about archaic girl should not be touched by strangers, it should stay in the land of her hometown if it is cut or fallen down to the lover’s hands.

Hair, it is a mystical thing, how come does it last to grow and grow? is it permitted by the lovely hair? Does the love still stay in the dust world besides the life disappeared? Missing every second, can it grow new hair? Is it true that the more one misses, the longer the hair is, the hair also grow faster, losing hair faster, too? What actually happened about the hair, which is more about losing hair  and the hair in one’s hair? I can judge the truth in this year. Is it a handful lost hair in my hand or my hair will grow to my waist after I arrive at home? Maybe you will see a baldy… haha, when I think of this situation, the future will be full of poetic quality or flavor. You can imagine casually the style of future, perhaps the future will become the style which you like.

Today’s lost hair is on the paper, it’s like a fog, or a flower. Smooth line on the white paper, condensing a hill, becoming an ocean, there is a sea swallow, there is also a whale. That, is it a star or carpenter worm? What do you want to do? Do you interrupted the good dream of the white cloud? OK! Give me a pure hand to weave a beautiful dream together!

Good night, lost hair! Good night, new life!



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