Finding a suitable job is important for an individual, and the employment rate is essential for a country. As employment rate is tightly related to a country's economic cycle, that is, when in those years that macroeconomic goes down, it is more difficult for people to get a new job, and even someone who already has a job may lose his or her job opportunity. Hence what can we do to help those young people who recently graduate from universities?
In recent years, the economic environment as well as the government policy in our country is becoming more and more friendly for young men to start their own bussinesses. They can very easily register a small size company and the requirments on initial investment and employees are very low. Furthermore, as the e-commerce developing rapidly nowadays, if they start their bussiness on internet, it is even more convenient to get in than the field of traditional commerce.
However, in spite of the easy beginning of being a boss, it is not so easy to survive in the competition and make a longrun profit. So dream is always admirable but each young man who wants to start own bussiness has to face the reality: that is doing a successful bussiness requires many factors such as entreprenours' spirits, excellent communication skills, innovation capacity on new products, sometimes you even need some good luck. Apparently it is not a best choice for everyone.
For those who are not suitable to start a firm by themselves and difficult to find jobs, here are two recommended directions for them. Firstly, trying to find ways to expand job opportunities, such as looking for jobs in other cities, lowering expected initial salary, and trying jobs of different fields. Secondly, considering further studying in university for a , and after 3 years when the economic is going up, get a better degree and a good job.