Summer 2015 Report #027 - 05/14/15 Jianjian Wu
1. Plan for next week(***, **, *: order of priority)
• 80%:Write paper about visualization project and complete all chapters
• 20%:Prepare PPT
2. Tasks achieved this week(***, **, *: order of priority)
• 70%:Write paper about visualization project and complete the fourth and fifth chapter
• 20%:Improve the Petri net of α-algorithm
• 10%: Read the paper of “ one extended α-algorithm that can find repeat task of process mining”
3. Feedback of Prof. Qiu Prof. Li and Dr. Yan last week
• Complete the paper about visualization project
4. Reports
• The paper about process mining that I read this week
Li jia fei, Liu da you, Yang bo, one extended α-algorithm that can find repeat task of process mining, Chinese journal of computers [J] 2007, 30(8):1437-1447.
This paper first structures the precursor and successor list for each task, then gives a new definition about the choice relationship, and proves the correctness of the definition. I hasn’t understand the proof process very clearly.
The Improved Petri net that I have achieved last week

The paper that I write last week as the appendix
5. Mile-Stone:
• Implement Alpha algorithm
• Complete the paper of my visualization project and published one paper about visualization