Failures of the World War I peace settlement.
Germans resolve nothing fair in the treaty that blamed them for starting World War I.
Soviets resented the carving up of parts of Russian.
New democratic governments that emerged after the war floundered.
The new democracies collapsed, and dictators seize power.
Joseph Stalin focused on creating the model communist state. Estimated in killing 8 million-13 million people seen as a threat to his ideas.
Benito Mussolini and the rise of fascism in Italy. Because of unemployment, high inflation, bitter labor strikes and a fear of communism, gave Mussolini a chance to gain control.
Fascism stressed nationalism and the power of the state above individual.
Under Adolf Hitler, the National Socialist Worker’s Party takes power. In his book Mein Kumpf, it sets forth the four basic principles of Nazism.
initing all German speaking people in a great German empire.
Racial purification
National expansion
Establish the Third Reich-which would last 1000 years.
In1936, army General Francisco Franco leads a rebellion against the Spanish republic.
The Soviet Union aided with advisers and equipment Germany and Italy supported Franco with troops, weapons, tanks, and fighter planes.
After 500,000 lives are lost Francisco Franco becomes Spain’s fascist dictator
3000 Americans formed the Abraham Lincoln battalion, to stop fascism.
America Clings To Isolationism
Congress passed a series of Neutrality Acts.
Outlawed arms sales or loans to nations of war.
Ban on arms sales and loans to nation’s engaged in civil wars.(Spain)
When Japan invaded China in 1937 Roosevelt fouled a way around the Neutrality Acts, no war was declared so arms and supplies were went to China.
Austria and Czechoslovakia fall
On March 12,1938 German Troops marched into Austria unopposed and reclaim the land for Germany.
Hitler claimed that the Sudetenland, a region in Czechoslovakia with 3 million German speaking people, should be a reunited.
1938 Munich Agreement turned this land over to Germany without a shot(Nevil Chamberlain Br, and Edouard Daladier of France)
March 15, 1939 German troops poured into what remained of Czechoslovakia.
Spring of 1939, Hitler claimed that German speaking people in Poland were being mistreated.
September 1, 1939 Germany attacks Poland with a blitzkrieg, lightning war.
Britain and France declare war on Germany. In three weeks, before help arrived Poland falls.
The fall of Poland marks the beginning of WWII in Europe.
Stalin began annexing the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
Late in 1939, the Soviet army defeated Finland three months.
April 9th, 1940 Hitler launched a surprise invasion of Denmark and Norway.
Next the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg were overrun by May.
Germany sweeps through France through the Ardennes(an impassable forest)
The Germans trapped almost 400,000 British and French soldiers and the beaches of Dunkirk, 330,000 are rescued.
France is divided by German occupation in the north, and a Nazi controlled puppet government in the city of Vichy.
The battle of Britain
The goal was to gain control of the skies by destroying Britain’s Royal Air Force(RAF)
German planes fought over the skies of England.
Every night for two months solid bombers pounded London.
At first the Luftwaffe attacked military targets, later target shifted to neighborhoods.
The RAF fought back brilliantly, with the help of technological advances such as radar.
The Holocaust - A Nazi campaign for racial purity which will lead to the extermination of a over 11,000,000 people, more than half whom were Jewish.
The Nuremberg Laws stripped Jewish people of their citizenship, jobs, and property.
They were forced to wear a bright yellow star to identify them.
Kristallnacht - night of Broken Class November 9-10, 1938 Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues.
100 Jews were killed, hundreds more injured.
30,000 Jewish arrested
Hundreds of synagogues burned
Nazis blamed the Jewish for the destruction.
Hitler’s final solution
Obsessed with a desire to rid Europe of its Jews, the “final solution”, was a policy of genocide, the deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population.
Began in countries like Poland, where Jews were forced in the ghettos.
The factories were build nearby and the Jewish were the forced labor
Concentration camps were run by the SS, life in the camps was a cycle of hunger, humiliation, and work that almost always ended in death,
Mass Extermination’s - Germans build six death camps in Poland, beach camp had several huge gas chambers and which as many as 12,000 people to be killed a day.
At Auschwiz, the largest of the death camps, prisoners had to parade past several SS doctors, with a wave of their hand separated those to work, from those that would die that day.
Medical experiments of deadly diseases, or gems, to radiation tests on individual.
And there remains are disposed of in the ovens.
American moves towards War
By the summer of 1940, France had fallen and Britain was under siege.
The US sent Britain rifles, machine guns, and 50 old destroyers on lease.
Germany Italy and Japan senate mutual defense treaty, the Tripartite Pact. They became known as the Axis Powers.
1941, Hitler broke the Nonaggression Pact, with the Soviet Union and invaded.
German wolf pack’s, submarine groups as large as 40 boats would attack of convoys. As much as 350,000 tons of supplies would be lost a month.
Germany’s European victories gave Japan opportunity’s in the Pacific. With the invasion of France the Netherlands and attacks on Britain their colonies were left with little defense.
Hideki Toji, was the military leader who orchestrated Japan’s war effort.
The US was the largest remaining threat to Japan’s expansion in the Pacific.
The US placed an embargo on selling oil to Japan.
Japan either had to convince the US. To end the embargo, or invade the oil fields the Dutch East Indies.
November 5,1941, Japan began peace talks with the US but things move slowly.
In late November the US military had broken Japan’s secret communication codes and knew they were planning an attack.
On December 7, Sunday morning in 1941, the Japanese Ambassador was scheduled to meet with secretary of state hull in WCC
At this time is when the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor began in Hawaii.
The December 7,1941 the Japanese had:
Killed 2,403 Americans
Wounded 1,178
Sunk or damaged 21 ships, including 8 battleships.
Destroyed 300 aircraft
Japan had destroyed almost the entire Pacific Fleet, by chance three aircraft carriers were not at base that day.