Say goodnight to myself
Now is the only time we have,and the only time that we ha...
有时候会头疼。 我知道这事儿要跟我妈一说,又了不得了,必须得戳我脑门:该,再让你当初坐月子时不听老人的话。这种时候...
Time TELLS everything we haven't known till it turns into...
Only Time 列车上,无意中一曲Enya的《ONLY TIME》,让昨夜晚睡今天又早起赶路的我困意全消。就静...
文/苏笑笑 今晚,听着恩雅的Only Time,轻吟浅唱着似水流年里的感叹和忧伤。 不...
Enya〈Only Time〉[LP版][
Time is only for recording,changes are only made by ourse...
莎士比亚说: In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, whe...
本文标题:2021.3.31 only time