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1 关于无人驾驶这些“干货”你应该知道
放在几年前,你可能会觉得无人驾驶只会出现在美国科幻电影里面,尤其是存在于漫威钢铁侠这一类的花花公子天才科学家的座驾里。 .... 车司机的生存状况,单单拿卡车、货车司机而言,无论是美国还是中国,货车司机这样的群体是庞大的,现如今也是不可或缺的,维持现如今物流以及货物的流通,全靠卡车司机。
2 京东物流开启买买买模式,进击的京东物流去哪?
亿欧认为,此次京东物流领投福佑卡车卡车只是其构建“共生物流”模式的开始,重资本运营的京东物流,开启“买买买”节奏之后将会一路开挂,直到建设自己 ... 如果再从2017年京东集团“追击”阿里巴巴的节奏来看,亿欧认为,在2018年已经实现了“无人仓、无人机、无人车”实践应用的京东物流将会配合其京东集团的“ ...
3 Autonomous vehicles to take different routes in different markets
Forget minority sports such as remote surgery - unless you count yourself distinctly unlucky you're not likely to spend much time under the care of a remote surgeon. The same is not true of the connected and increasingly autonomous car because we're all likely to be spending many months and many ...
4 Nissan brain-reading car tech can control driverless vehicles
Nissan is working on cars that can read your mind, promising brain-scanning technology that could make performance cars more responsive and autonomous cars more relaxing. The technology, dubbed Brain-to-Vehicle or B2V, is the handiwork of the Nissan Intelligent Mobility lab, the project within the ...
5 BlackBerry Surges on Deal With Baidu for Self-Driving Cars
U.S. News & World Report
(Reuters) - BlackBerry Ltd and Chinese internet search firm Baidu Inc on Wednesday signed a deal to jointly develop self-driving vehicle technology, ... QNX will be the operating system for Apollo, a platform for self-driving vehicles that Baidu announced in April and has billed as the "Android" of the ...
6 Autonomous cars could increase employee productivity, claims webuyanycar.com
A new survey has revealed that Brits would work during a commute in a fully autonomous car, which could raise productivity. The OnePoll survey, conducted by webuyanycar.com (WBAC), asked 2,000 UK motorists who currently drive to and from work what they would do during a commute in a fully ...
7 To get the most out of self-driving cars, tap the brakes on their rollout
The Conversation US
Every day about 100 people die in car crashes on U.S. roads. That death toll is a major reason why both Congress and the Trump administration are backing automotive efforts to develop and deploy self-driving cars as quickly as possible. However, officials' eagerness far exceeds the degree to which ...
8 Don't Fear the Self-Driving Car
National Review
In the case of a highly automated technology like the self-driving car, we should absolutely expect to maintain our freedom to go “wherever whenever,” and, should we so choose, to own vehicles of our own (regardless of the economic wisdom of such a choice). But we stand to gain so much from this ...
9 India Wants To Go All In On AI, But Must First Tackle Shortage Of Talent And Data
Artificial intelligence (AI) and its subset, cognitive computing, have been subject to a fair share of debates, with concerns around machines overtaking, or maybe even replacing, the human workforce. However, today's realities suggest that the major concerns lie elsewhere: The real challenge that needs ...
10 AI In E-Commerce -- Predictions For 2018
The acceptance and growth of AI in e-commerce this year confirms what I believe: that the shopping experience of the future -- both online and in-store -- will be dominated by AI tech for years to come. AI offers numerous benefits for both online retailers and consumers. For example, it makes products ...
11 Canada will track suicide risk through social media with AI
The Canadian government is partnering with AI firm Advanced Symbolics to try to predict rises in regional suicide risk by monitoring social media posts. Advanced Symbolics will analyze posts from 160,000 social media accounts and will look for suicide trends. The company aims to be able to predict ...
北京时间18/01/05 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】