【English】 五本的英语系菇凉跟曲根老师背单词

【English】 五本的英语系菇凉跟曲根老师背单词

作者: 粥粥就是我哈_ | 来源:发表于2017-02-11 01:04 被阅读70次

    1.monetary adj  bounty alimony dole

    2.malnutrition n mal-  evil   malfuction n

    3.famine n   (family) starving adj 

    4.adolescence n  adult -escence 逐渐的 adolecent


    6.discursive adj discourse n disgressive

    7.initiative n initial

    8.whistleblower n

    9.footage n

    10.scrupulous adj chary adj care    meticulous adj cult    punctilious  pin

    11.vociferous adj  voice  boisterous   street   obstreperous 

    12.stridently adj metallic  cacophonous  euphonions

    13.strikingly adj arresting conspicuous remarkable

    14.pamphcet  palm  -let -et 小的  brochure booklet

    15.roomy adj spacious commodious

    16.profound adj  deep intense

    17.filter v percolate   per- throught   pre- 前

    18.conduit n  conduct

    19.anonymous adj  hym name   pseudonym


    21.reserved adj  taciturn  withdrawn

    22.ambiguous adj aquivocal   ambi 2周围

    23.skeptical adj sceptiaclal  incredulous  suspicious dubious

    24.a whiff of

    25.chic  fashion

    26.decadencel n degonerate decay decline 

    27.hype n hyper- more above   hypo- -less below

    28.blockbuster n


    30.bolt away

    31.swing v swag v waver 踌躇

    32.condescension n  condescend  onseld to do   deign lower

    33.impulse n

    34.bontiful adj ample  copioud adj profuse

    35.hanger n 

    36.scoop v

    37.turbine blade   turb- 搅 turbulence

    38.mandate v mandatory comand

    39.cutting edge

    40 goss  net

    41,innately adj nature   inherently intrinsically essentially

    42.consensus n  unanimous approval

    43.amenity n facility

    44.surly adj  sir grumpy cross

    45.aura n   ambience atmosphere

    46.ardent adj ard - burn  ars - ash  ardor fervent  passionate zealous

    47.flaunt v show off gaunt

    48.allure n lure   temptation cajole seduce decoy 

    49.preemptive  empt --to take example  preempt  redemption

    50.snobby adj snob v

    51.pantomime n mime

    52.demeanor n   deportment  behavior conduct

    53.wince v flinch recoil   fl-  fly  bend fold

    54.haggle v haggard   bargain n v   hack

    55.incentive n motivation goad reward

    56.serene adj quite tranquil  placid  plac- 满意 please placebo

    57.bluff n bravado   brado

    58.outright  complete

    59.luster n lusterous adj lucid adj

    60.wanton adj  immoderate adj  promiscuous adj

    61.solicitousness n solicit v solicitous  adj   yearn long  pine for

    62.tinge v dye  tint

    63.decry v denounce deprecate  depreciate

    64.stud v

    65.trauma n ordeal

    66.frugality n  frugal economical sparing thrifty

    67.arable adj 

    68.onomatopoeia n

    69. interrogative adj  interrogate question

    70.denominator n citeria stander

    71.impotent adj potential  potent adj  omnipotent adj  potentate n impuissance

    72.rivalry n rival  antagonize v  adversely adj 



          本文标题:【English】 五本的英语系菇凉跟曲根老师背单词
