** 薄荷阅读《心理学百科》读书笔记整理:
** “Who am I?”
>> “The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.”
“If man’s life is ever worth the living, it is when he has attained this vision of the soul of beauty.”
– Socrates on Happiness (记载于柏拉图著作《申辩篇(Apology)》)
** 1.早期研究
苏格拉底(Socrates,470-399BCE)等古希腊哲学家就开始钻研一个哲学学科的基本问题:Who am I?
>> 5th century BCE Socrates states the key to happiness is discovering the “true self”.
** 苏格拉底认为人对自我认识的加深是幸福的源泉,分析和了解自我应该是哲学的一大使命。他说道,“不经审视的人生不值得一过。”Socrates believed the main purpose of philosophy is to increase happiness through analysing and understanding oneself, famously saying: “The unexamined life is not worth living.
** 对自己有正确的认识的时候,一个人就可以对生活产生合理的期望;而若这层认识出现了偏差,那么他终会将自己引入绝望。就这样,人类开启了探索真我的旅程。
** 2.克尔凯郭尔:绝望源于自我异化
** 1849年索伦着重研究了“自我”与“绝望”的关系。在著作《至死方休的固疾》中,他提出绝望并非来自于一个人的抑郁心态,而是源于自我的异化。
>> Søren Kierkegaard’s book The Sickness Unto Death (1849) offers self-analysis as a means to understanding the problem of “despair”, which he considered to stem not from depression, but rather from the alienation of the self.
** 索伦将“绝望”分为数级,由浅及深。
** 最为初级的绝望来自无知:对自我有错误的认识,并对潜在自我的存在和天性一无所知。这种无知几乎是令人快乐的,而且它并不会带来严重的后果,所以在索伦看来,这并不能算作严格意义上的“绝望”。
>> Kierkegaard described several levels of despair. The lowest, and most common, stems from ignorance: a person has the wrong idea about what “self” is, and is unaware of the existence or nature of his potential self. and so inconsequential that Kierkegaard was not even sure it could be counted as despair.
** 次级的绝望有两种来由,归结来说,都是人主动抛弃了真正的自我。
>> Real desperation arises, he suggested, with growing self-awareness, and the deeper levels of despair stem from an acute consciousness of the self, coupled with a profound dislike of it.
** 原因1: I fail and despise myself for failing.
** 其一,是来自明确认识自我之后,对自我产生的强烈厌恶。当我们无法达到一个目标的时候,我们会产生绝望的情绪。但是我们所绝望的对象并非目标本身,而是失败的自己。>> it becomes obvious that the man is not really despairing of the thing (failing an exam) but of himself. The self that failed to achieve a goal has become intolerable.The man wanted to become a different self , but he is now stuck with a failed self and in despair.
** 举例:德国跳水运动员Stephen Feck,2012年伦敦奥运三米板比赛中,他起跳失误,后背先落入水中。不知道赛后他有没有体会到despair,但我们应该相信他是一位积极向上的好小伙。至今他依然代表德国参加一米板和三米板跳水比赛。
** 原因2. I succeed and abandon my true self.
** 索伦以一个想要成为帝王的人为例,指出即使他实现了自己的目标,也因此丢弃了旧的自我。这尤其是一种绝望的体验。
>> Kierkegaard took the example of a man who wanted to become an emperor, and pointed out that ironically, even if this man did somehow achieve his aim, he would have effectively abandoned his old self. In both his desire and accomplishment, he wants to “be rid of” his self.
** 对此,索伦提出了一种解决方法:做真正的自己,即是与绝望对立。所以,每个人都要尽力发现和接受自己真正的天性。
>> He concluded that a man can find peace and inner harmony by finding the courage to be his true self, rather than wanting to be someone else. “To will to be that self which one truly is, is indeed the opposite of despair,” he said.
** 索伦还提到了最深一级的绝望。它来自明确认识自我之后,却不承认“爱(love)”的存在。索伦认为爱是,如果无法体悟到这一点,无法认识到我们都是依靠爱而生存着,就会产生最深一层的绝望。(这一层绝望偏离了本章的学习重心,所以没有出现在阅读内容中。)
** 3.后续研究
** 索伦的观点引起了学界的广泛讨论,也为存在主义哲学(existentialist philosophy)奠定了基础。虽然索伦没有在自己的理论中明确地定论“存在主义(existentialism)”,但是人们普遍认为他是世界上第一个存在主义哲学家。
** 存在主义
** 这是哲学中的一个非理性主义思潮,它认为人存在的意义是无法经由理性思考而得到答案的,而强调个人、独立和主观体验。
** 存在主义认为,生命本无意义,但是一个人可以为自己创造意义。你的存在胜过其他一切。“存在(existence)”大概就是索伦所说的“真我”。
** 1879年威廉·冯特(William Wundt)沿用索伦所提出的“自我分析”进行了心理学相关研究。1879 Wilhelm Wundt uses self-analysis as an approach to psychological research.
** 1913年 ,(不属于卷福的)约翰·华生(John B. Watson)则对“自我分析”法进行了谴责。作为一个行为心理学家,他认为自省完全不能算作心理学的主要研究方法——心理学应该是一门基于客观实验的科学。1913 John B. Watson denounces self-analysis in psychology, stating that “introspection forms no essential part of its methods”.
** 卡尔·罗杰斯和R.D.莱因两位心理学家都受到了索伦理论的直接影响。
>> His ideas led directly to R.D. Laing’s use of existential therapy, and have influenced the humanistic(therapies practised by clinical psychologists such as Carl Rogers.
** 卡尔·罗杰斯于1951和1961年分别出版《人本治疗法》和《生而为人》。1951 Carl Rogers publishes Client-centered Therapy, and in 1961 On Becoming a Person.
** 他延续了苏格拉底的古老观点,关注人的本我和内心驱动力,并将其发散到自己的心理治疗研究中。
** 1960年R.D. 莱因(R.D.Laing)在著作《分裂的自我》中重新界定“madness”,将存在主义对个人内在矛盾的研究运用到了心理治疗中。
** 1960 R.D. Laing’s The Divided Self redefines “madness”, offering existential analysis of inner conflict as therapy.
** 如何理解“真我”?什么样才是“despair”?“活出真我”代表着“安于现实”还是“冲出桎梏”?
** 1996年,梅·罗洛以克尔凯郭尔的《焦虑的概念》为基础,写出了《焦虑的意义》。1996 Rollo May bases his book, The Meaning of Anxiety, on Kierkegaard’s The Concept of Anxiety.