

作者: 孔雀勇士 | 来源:发表于2019-01-12 22:17 被阅读0次


    M:Junjun,would u like to have some rest in

    ur bedroom.I gonna prepare a surprise for u.

    B:Ok (hop into the bedroom happily)

    M :(I decorate the sitting room with ballons)

    After five minutes


    M:Not yet.just wait a little bit.Now u can come in.and close ur eyes.

    B:(walk into the room slowly and close his eyes tightly)

    M:open ur eyes!surprise!

    B:Wa!Ballons(look very excited)

    M:Today we are going to have a fancy dress party.Let's invite some friends to the party.


    M:invite means that we ask friends to come to our home. Who do u want yo invite?


    M:ok,first I gonna write the list of ur friends.Then we need to writes some invitations.


    M:(make a list and the invitations)we will drive our car and give these invitations to ur friends one by one.

    B:(put all the invitations in his red car and push his car towards the bunny's home.)

    M:we are arriving at the bunny's home.Let's say hello to them

    B:Hello ,mommy bunny、Hello,Daddy bunny and Hello,bear.

    M:(whisper in Junjun's ear and tell him to

    say he will throw a fancy dress party and ask the bunny to the party)

    B:en...fancy dress party.come to my party.

    M:(I pass the invitation to him and let him to give it to the bunny)

    B:here(put the invitation near the bunny)

    M:let's say bye-bye to them.


    We repeat this process by saying hello to the bear、Mommy bear、Daddy bear、Peppa、George、Mommy pig Daddy bunny、Qiaohu、Xiaohua、Mommy Qiaohu and Daddy Qiaohu.








    M:Since we are going to have a fancy dress party,we need to dress us up.


    M:Do u want to dress up as a bunny


    M:well,let's make a bunny.

    B:(look confused)

    M:Look,Junjun.This is a white paper plate.I will put it on ur face and find the position of ur eyes.

    M:Don't move.I need my pen to mark the position( use a pen to mark )

    M:Junjun,get me the scissors.

    B:(pass them quickly)

    M:Thanks!I will use them to cut out the eyes on the plate .

    After a while

    M:have a look,the round circles are the eyes for the bunny.

    M:Junjun,give me some red super light clay.

    B:( find the red one among piles of clay)oh,here.(pass a little red clay to me)

    M:Thanks.Let's make this little clay into a round shape.(put a lump between my palms and roll it)

    M.attch the clay on the plate.look,the clay becomes the bunny's noise.

    B:bunny 还有有ears.

    M:we will make the ears.I need to draw the ears.(I draw two long ears on the white paper)

    B:wa,long ears.

    M:the bunny has two long ears( put my fingers on the head and tell Junjun these are my long ears)

    B:(put fingers on his head and hop around)

    M:I am using the color pencil to color the ears pink.(color the ears)

    M:Look!the long ears for the bunny.

    stick them behind the plate.

    B:bunny 还有嘴巴

    M:we need draw her mouth and her cute teeth.(use the color pencil to draw the mouth

    and two teeth)


    M:yes,bunny.we should't foeget whiskers. B:whiskers是什么.

    M:(I find a photo of the bunny )these are the whiskers.Now stick the sticks for the whiskers on the plate.Finished.

    B:(try to pick it up)

    M:u can put the bunny on ur face.

    B:(put the bunny on the face and walk to the mirror)


    M: Junjun,come here.I want to dress up as a bear to the party.

    B:(run to my side)

    M:Lets's make a bear.

    B:(keep playing with the bunny)

    M:Look,this is cotton.Do u want to touch it.

    B:(touch the cotton gently)

    M: how do u feel?


    M:I think the cotton is very soft.I will stick some cotton on the plate.(use double tape to stick )

    M:get me a piece of white cloth.

    B:white( look for the white cin the drawer).here.(pass the white cloth to me)

    M:I will cut twowhite circles from the cloth .(use scissors to cut)

    M:the two round ears are for the bear .(put my fists on the head)The bear has two small round ears.

    B:(look at me and put his fists on the head)

    M:the bear need a nose. help me to find the black cloth.

    B:(find the black

    cloth easily and pass it to me)

    M:cut a little bit big circle from the cloth.Look the big circle for the noise.




